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Culture Corner



  • A game played by posh men with odd shaped balls.

  • edited December 2024

    Just watched Cunk on Life - I suspect not everyones cup of tea, but for me it was a comedic masterpiece amongst the steaming piles of ordure across the tv channels this holiday period

  • It could have done with being trimmed down to an hour, but yes, Charlie Brooker rarely fails to deliver and Diane Morgan is an absolute natural in the role.

  • Diane Morgan is amazing in everything she does.

  • At least Severance is back on Friday eh?

  • This whole Blooms thing has really put a dampener on Severance Week hasn't it.

  • Just plug the chip back in & you wont remember what any this Blooms stuff is about...

  • One of our young trainees asked me to recommend three classic Science Fiction movies. I think I got to around ten.

  • Season two is supposed to be much darker, so maybe it’s right on time.

  • Mark S is inconsolable when he realises non-work Mark has contracted him to work as Luton Town head coach

  • Stop it @drcongo I've got to shell.out for a month of Apple plus now...(once the season is halfway through.)

    I heard the.producton this time round was very fraught and extortionatel expensive so I hope they've not ****ed it. I could not take that on top of today!

  • I can’t work out how to approach Severance this time. Let it build up for a bit, or go trad and watch them as they appear. What’s the consensus amongst you lot?

  • I will watch them as they are broadcast

  • Same. I've put a repeating calendar invite with my eldest to watch it every week.

  • One at a time, and then all at once when it's over to work out what i missed!

  • Right, I’m doing the same. Perhaps a Severance thread is in order?

  • Bloomfield to Luton is enough severance on the gasroom surely?

  • If anyone needs a bit of Comic Relief, I'd recommend The Last Man on Earth on Disney+. Only came across it quite recently and really enjoyed it.

  • Sad news of the death of David Lynch.

    In a world where the word genius is casually thrown about, he was the real deal.

  • That is sad news.

  • edited January 16

    Eraserhead blew my mind as a young teen and I’ve enjoyed pretty much all his output since. Mulholland Drive in particular is a phenomenal piece of work.

    I even bought some of his damn fine coffee a few years back!

  • Sad news indeed. I too remember seeing a screening of Eraserhead (in my late teens) with something approaching awe.

    Twin Peaks is still for me the peak of pre-streaming TV.

    His musical output it also worth checking out I heard him interviewed a few months ago just before the release of a rather good collaborative album with Chrystabell. (Cellophane Memories)

  • I re-watched the whole of season one of Severance while working today.

  • A very productive day on both fronts then?

  • I fenced off a lot of scary numbers.

  • Any Traitors fans on here?

  • No. Just watched S2E1 of Severance though. 10/10

  • I thought Eraserhead was godawful (and I tried) but liked everything else.

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