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Matt Bloomfield to Luton?



  • absolutely embarrassing statement front he club and also comments from blooms were not great...he may have had a rift with Rice but not acknowledging his fans for over 20 years is awful...he is better than that

  • Did you expect them to say thanks for leaving us in the shit 3 days after you said that your only focus was on Wycombe.Also if you say that he was having a pop at Rice he said the same thing about the supporters caring at Luton too. So is e having a pop at us as well?

  • He also came as we were the only club willing to do the faff to get him a work permit.

  • Disappointed. Good luck Matt. I’m still not sure why!!!

  • Shameful.

    WWFC has become a soulless entity.



  • Have to say, I'm pretty disgusted from what I'm seeing/hearing. Heard from good sources that Rice is disliked within football generally and can now clearly see why.

  • You read Bloomfield's comments and that was your take away? Seriously?

  • he said right opportunity at the right time , would not leave wycombe for anything...yeah right....Luton is a s*it hole ... could have understood Coventry but not Luton....terrible look on everyone concerned

  • Also in the Luton statement

    The Town board have complied with all compensation requests from Wycombe Wanderers to bring the 40-year-old to Kenilworth Road, along with his assistant Richard Thomas, first team coach Lee Harrison and senior analyst Ben Cirne.

    Town CEO Gary Sweet said: “It is with great pleasure and excitement that we are able to announce Matt’s appointment on a long-term contract.

    “Before anything else, I would like to thank Wycombe for their co-operation in ensuring a swift and smooth transition. It may be flattering to be on the receiving end, it’s never pleasant, but we have made sure that we’ve gone above and beyond to compensate Wycombe to secure his services, along with his trusted coaching team."

  • Max Stryjek:

    Interesting how narrative can easily and quickly change. Few months ago people were slagging him off.... 😂 All the very best to Gaffer

  • Have you read anything in this thread before posting this nonsense? Even the dribbling mouth-breathers on Facebook who wanted him stripped of the title "Mr Wycombe" yesterday have apparently started to understand the bigger picture.

    Actually, have you read anything?

  • Having met & chatted to Matt on numerous occasions I feel it must take a very special effort to fall out with him. Very dedicated football man, good at his job & has a lovely family supporting him. An ideal figurehead for a family club.

  • It will be interesting to see how Rice gets on. Fulham aside, reading through his CV, he doesn't appear to stay very long in one place. Lets stay optimistic however. On a separate topic, lets hope that the council are watching developments closely, because we are going to need a much bigger stadium if it all works out

  • Good luck to Matt. Good long contract at Luton so financial security. He has been very loyal to WWFC over a long period. As someone said the statement from Luton about how they wanted him suggests all was not well at Adams Park.

  • Luton’s fans will be just as quick to boo if he wins 1 in 17.

  • The video of him saying this is on their website too if it helps

  • Absolutely, not. As someone who spent 20 years in media & spinning I am certain that MB's quote, including the precise wording, will have been very carefully crafted between him and the LTFC media team. As @DJWYC14 says above, his words were scathing.

  • The council might even give a crap about us if we threaten to reach the PL

  • A bit pedantic I know, but how does he know Luton fans care and did we not care?

  • I do. The paragraph about people caring was in the context of the owners being fans. What is he supposed to say? He is endeavouring to ingratiate himself with his new paymaster and new fans.

    It's football. If anyone believes that loyalty exists outside of the fans you are kidding yourself. His pal Russell Martin went MK, Swansea, Southampton, out. Each time he produced excellent results he rightly climbed a rung on the ladder. Matt is doing the same thing and that's fine. I think he wanted to go. He's ambitious. He knows that if results don't go our way between now and the season ends his stock will be a lot lower and he might be interviewing for National League not the Championship. There is always 'victims' and in this case it is perceived to be us. But the next guy might be better. We have achieved our worst ever run and our best ever run in the football league over the past 15 months. What was next? Who knows.

    As for our loss of identity this has been eroding for a long time as Bayo, Gareth, Darius, etc etc left the building and the memory of the Championship slipped away. It was an identity defined by a manager that is now at Shrewsbury not anything else. We will be fine. We will be different but we will be fine.

  • “We will be fine. We will be different but we will be fine.”

    I’m sure Reading fans said something similar once.

  • edited January 14

    I was gifted a second hand copy of the wonderful WWFC official history 1887-1996. What it made me realise is that even a little old club like Wycombe is in a constant state of flux and profound change.

    The obvious examples are leaving Loakes Park and joining the football league. But some people probably felt the club had strayed too far from its core values when we changed our name from North Town Wanderers. Other perhaps felt the same when the club switched the pub used as a HQ, or when we stopped playing on the cricket pitch, or began charging spectators with a newly installed turnstyle, or when electing the starting XI via committee came to a close, or because the gasroom changed hands.

    Maybe we will end up in the premier league and be a totally different club in 5 to 10 years. Maybe we'll end up in non-league. As long as we still exist, and retain a direct and unbroken continuation to what came before, I'll still support WWFC. Thousands of people, many now largely forgotten, have given so much for this club to be here and would marvel at the idea of us being in League One, let alone the Premier League.

    On that note, its rather sad but predictable to see the digs and jibes being directed at Bloomfield on Facebook. Even though this decision doesn't seem entirely his own choice, with external factors pushing him out, people have a right to be disappointed. But nobody should be questioning MB's overall loyalty and commitment to WWFC.

    He was here during the good times - winning promotion from L2 and L1, and that league cup run. But he also stayed during some really grim times - rock bottom of L2, the miracle of Torquay, when we didn't have a pot to piss in, trust run with the wider football community poaching our player instead of coming to our aid.

  • Blimey! I can’t read Blooms’ statement as anything other than expressing great disappointment with how he was treated at WWFC. And as he’s not someone it seems easily to upset or fall out with, it is worrying.

    Never has the old curse “May you live in interesting times” seemed more appropriate for WWFC right now. That said if we get Championship football or beyond and become the Brentford of Bucks then this may ease the pain but if as it seems, Matt and others were poorly treated by the Ricicles then I hope they either learn to behave better or ML bins them off. I’d hate to support a club that was successful but treated its staff like shit.

    Finally, and through gritted teeth. “Come on Luton”

  • where did i say that he should be stripped of "Mr Wycombe", all is was saying, if he is to leave Wycombe, then go to a club on the up not a club on the down like Luton, Coventry i would 100% understand, if he has been driven out, then that is another thing however in his interview, made no reference to the fans that have supported him for over 20 years

  • In the Luton video MB says he wouldn't leave Wycombe for anything.


  • Do the Luton fans want him there? 🤔

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