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Matt Bloomfield to Luton?



  • Outsiders will look at this and think "shame for Wycombe they couldn't hang on to him, he was doing such a good job"

    It is absolutely insane that he has been forced out of the door and out of a job that he loves. The more I think about it the more disbelieving I am

  • I'm right there with you, mate. I'm actually furious!

  • All that I love this club and I don't know anything about the Luton rumours buĺshit.

  • How do you know he’s been forced out ? Perhaps he’s just ambitious and sees Luton as a better option.

  • Believe what you want mate

  • I can’t get my head round how many of you are disbelieving. You’re all aware that Luton are in their first year of parachute payments, right? They obviously won’t be pushing for promotion this year but they are well set to finish at least in the playoffs in the next few years. Bloomfield could be a Premier League manager in 18 months - and he’d be deemed to be over-achieving in many circumstances because Luton are a ‘small club’.

  • edited January 13

    He may or may not have been forced out.

    What we do know is that he is going to a club in a higher division, with money, probably been offered a longer contract and better salary and there is space for his backroom staff.

    Now if I had been offered a better job, on more money and with a longer contract, I would have probably accepted it

  • edited January 13

    Say what you like about Rob Couhig, and what he did and didn't understand about English football, but the one thing he definitely understood was the worth of the people who really mattered to the heart and soul of Wycombe.

    Whether it was Bayo, or Gaz, or Blooms, or Phil Catchpole; Rob understood the value of these people, how much they meant to the fans, and backed them to do the work they needed to do.

    The academy stuff is all very sensible and forward thinking, and spending money on talented players is terribly exciting, but right now I wish we could go back to how it was before. This feels like a real loss.

  • You have to walk through someone's living room to get into the ground. I saw it on Football Focus or something.

  • I thought it might’ve done until today. I’ve loved Wycombe Wanderers and everything the club has always stood for over the best part of 60 years. It has remained an oasis of joy and togetherness in a troubled world and a broken divided Britain. So much so that it has felt a bit selfish to be enjoying the one interest in life, however superficial and inconsequential, that helps to shut out the woes of the world for at least a good deal of the time.

    I was extremely emotional this morning when writing about the increasing likelihood that we were about to lose such a brilliant, strongly committed manager, not just as a coach but as a highly intelligent, articulate guy with a rare ability to inspire respect and harmony within a large and disparate group of players.

    My mood wasn’t helped by fellow Gasroomers who disrespected my feelings this morning by tapping the thumbs down icon.

  • So much of modern football is totally disillusioning for me and I’m ‘only’ in my 20s, so I am particularly receptive to your post knowing you are a man of experience @micra . I don’t know why I feel obliged to apologise but I am sorry. I really wish it wasn’t this way. I completely align with your feelings.

  • This is when it will really hurt.

  • edited January 13

    If Blooms was leaving to take over somewhere lower down the pyramid, you truthers might have a point, but he's going to an upwardly mobile club with a fantastic chance of reaching the Premier League. Be sad that he's leaving, sure, but try being happy for him - he deserves this.

    And believe he's being forced out if you must, but don't go stating it like it's fact. You don't know - none of us truly do.

  • edited January 13

    FWIW I'd absolutely love to be forced out of my current job into one with a significantly higher salary too.

  • edited January 13

    The irony of you telling people not to state things as fact!

    (Love you, Tom)

  • There's a difference between strongly asserting an opinion and throwing borderline conspiracy theories out there, come on.

  • edited January 13

    Kone and Bloomfield strike me as very similar. Really nice people who also have a ruthless streak and burning ambition.

    I was hoping they'd be our Ainsworth/Bayo 2,0 but it isn't to be. Can't have everything in life.

  • They might be Luton's Ainsworth/Bayo next week (too soon?)

  • It is possible that some people may know a bit more than others about what's going on behind the scenes than others, surely you'd accept that?

  • Hearing him post match on Three Counties is going to really hurt.

    So much has been said that I’ve nothing new to add. I wish him, but not Luton, the best. I just hope more than anything that this is simply an offer too good to turn down for Matt and his family, rather than our club being more than happy to see him go so they can get their preferred man through the door instead.

  • Preston at home followed by Oxford away for Mr Bloomfield first two games. Needs to hit the ground running.

  • I think the ideal would be for Blooms to have Luton in top form next season, leading the league before he moves to the PL this time next season and Luton drop like, well if you know, you know.

  • I do not think anyone at all begrudges Matt the chance to move on, even to Luton *shudder* and we are not too stupid (as some seem to think) to know how football works, but, given our position, given we were all surprised by it, it seemed (perhaps only by me) there was little of the public vocal support that he might have had from the club under the previous owners and there is a feeling abroad/conjecture/fever dream/chance he was pushed towards the door. Which I would find very disappointing. If we are not allowed to speculate, blame @glasshalffull,Luke Leahy, or the Danish Monarchy on here...where can we?

    We seem to have gone from being able to say that's very sad and here's why I feel that way to being slapped round the face and told to get a grip.

  • Devastated.

    The glass is empty now.

  • Rice might have all the cheesy goodness on screen but he’s clearly a ruthless operator on the quiet. Not a fella to be trifled with. He’s the footballing equivalent of Musk or Zuckerberg.

    He is running the show top to bottom and when he takes Wycombe to the Premier League everyone will be claiming him to be the new messiah.

    At least Bloomers will no longer need to sleep in the training ground at Lane End - puffa jacket for a pillow and wires hanging out of the wall as his plasma screen has been UPS’d to Harlington.

  • Truthers? That's the sort of shite I come on here to avoid. I would rather be the Vaxxing Elite if you don't mind.

  • edited January 13

    A truther is someone who peddles an outlandish or contrarian theory, is it not? Happy to stand corrected if I've made a right balls-up of that.

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