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Anders Hagelskjær signs



  • Danish pastries in the Tea bar?

  • Reservations, he is a proven CB at a level well above League 1 with Europa League experience. I am over the moon with this signing and just imagine if we can get Morley or a Morley clone and Imray in at right back, then we will be really flying.

    Well done Dan and team!!!!

  • Amazing! Anders Hagelskjær, probably the best CB in the world…

  • Difficult to think of another signing we’ve ever made like this. Certainly feels a bit Brave New World as others have mentioned.

    It’s a bit weird paying a record transfer fee and not even disclosing the paying of an undisclosed fee.

    Looking forward to seeing him in the famous quarters.

  • I’m ok with Anders but need help with pronunciation of the surname.

    Welcome aboard, Anders.

  • I believe someone said it was how-uls-care

  • Thanks Chris.

  • Good job we don't have Montague Withnail as manager as he will never play The Dane.

  • edited January 9

    I’d only just got to grips with Longwijk, as it were.

    It was only the spelling on that one, thinking about it.

  • Does this mean the transfer of Low may be now going through?

  • I’m anticipating that will be the next announcement.

  • I'm hoping that this is just the replacement for Taylor with Bradley being Taff's replacement due to him maintaining his fitness better

  • Reservations about the wording of the statement not the player.

    I read it and that part -

    “The data model demonstrates that he will be a really shrewd signing…”

    did make me cringe.

    It is also factually inaccurate. It predicts that he WILL be a really shrewd signing and there are far too many unknowns for that to be true.

    I would have been far happier with a “based on the data model we think he will be…” type of comment.

    Sorry that is an unnecessarily pedantic take on what I hope will prove to be a landmark signing for us.

    I am actually really happy about a player of his proven quality signing for us.

  • Regarding the “seems weird we have signed two left footers” things - remember Molde season ended at the end of November so there might be two things going on:

    1. He’s got a lot of minutes in his legs so might need his minutes managed to make sure injury isn’t a problem.
    2. He’s just come over a long break and his body and mind might be in a place that preseason training should be starting, so might need his minutes managed to make sure injury isn’t a problem.

    so yeah, all that “Sonny seems like a stop gap signing” thing, congrats you were probably right.

    There were reasons for that. Dan Rice, Matt and everyone in the club were cooking up a nice Danish dinner.

  • It is equally possible that either he or Sonny are comfortable playing in the RCB position as well as LCB.

    Alternatively, if I was being uber positive about this, we are now signing the players capable of playing in a back three. Low on the right, Sonny on the left and Anders in the middle. The system can work but you need the right players and perhaps we have them now. Hartridge also excelled at Exeter as the LCB in a back three, so could be an adequate back up.

    We do not need 4 left sided centre backs, so assume one of them will be moving out on loan or leaving at the end of the season. Likely to be Taf.

    If I was being negative, then perhaps Joe Low is off to pastures new as well.

    I've heard a rumour that the money is there for us to spend but only on the right players, this would seem to confirm that.

    I found MBs statement a bit robotic/odd, almost as if someone else wrote it for him. Was this captured on interview or has it been written on his behalf, who knows.

    Perhaps we will be seeing Morley back at the club, assuming the data suggests he'd be amazing. If it doesn't I'm not sure we will see him, regardless of what MB wants. I'd love to sign Morley permanently, as I'm sure everyone else would.

  • lovely to see a Dane wearing Hummel over at Aarhus our house!

  • I really good signing and a glimpse into how we'll operate over the coming years with the mixture of home grown talent with data driven signings from leagues without the associated premium cost. This is all new to me having seen us 'wheel and deal' and scratch about for bargain basement / rough diamonds frees / loans in the past.

    27 and playing Europa league football to Adams Park? That's a huge sign of intention. My only concern though is if 'they build it, will people come'....or maybe that doesn't matter anymore with the money that sloshes around football in the EPL and Championship these days.

    Maybe Morley and Taylor were just a sneak peek into signings that could be better than them. In the case of Morley, they may have targets that are better and more of a bargain in their sights from around the world.

    Interesting times for 'Little Wycombe' 😀

  • Never heard of him, but hoping he's brilliant.

  • Epic welcome video though.

    That's more like it, none of that tiktok banter nonsense.

  • When most of the country is right footed and many right footers play on the left, it seems odd to think having 2 left footers is weird doesn't it?

  • On your point on statements: my brother used to work in professional sports media (cricket, not football), and he said that every single quote that they put out was made up unless they attached a video of the person saying it. If they signed an overseas player, the quote from the player and the coach was always made up, and as generic as possible. I'm not saying that this is the case here - I have no idea - but made up quotes are definitely a thing!

  • Now THAT is a signing of intent.

    Anyone got any chant suggestions...?

  • Learning to pronounce anything in Danish is erm... challenging (as I found out trying to learn some before a city break in Copenhagen last year). Assuming that his name is pronounced in the Danish rather than Norwegian way, Hay-Yells-Key-Air is about as good an approximation as I can think of.

  • Based on how commentators tend to pronounce Simon Kjaer, I'd go with 'kyair'.

  • edited January 9

    [Wrong thread]

  • Maybe this guy is the replacement for Morley in front of the back two


  • Hope we get some Danish flags in the terrace.

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