Solid half so far against a poor showing from Exeter. Would like us to turn the screw a bit. The tempo isn’t as intense as it could be. Disappointed with Grimmer again so far. He does enjoy pasting the ball out of play despite being unchallenged - there is no press on him
Of all our potential 9s (bar the injured Vokes), Lubala is the one who works least out wide. He is a poacher, and with this lineup it would actually work better to swap he and Kone.
Lack of quality from both sides so far, not easy with balls pinging off a wet surface. Feel Exeter have done a good job so far in nullifying some of our more potent threats (Kone, Humphries, Fred), so hopefully as they tire in the 2nd half we’ll be able to create more space for them.
Not the greatest first half. Need to be more proactive and dictate the pace of the game. With Wrexham losing 2-0, this is an ideal opportunity to gain some points on them. Cannot let opportunities slip.
I'd split Low and Taylor wider and push both full backs up high. We can't pass through their narrow front 4 at the moment. Would like to see us try and go over them.
Cam Humphreys is so talented. His decision making is impeccable for such a young player. You don’t get 10s of his quality at this level pretty much ever. I’ll be delighted if we ever get to see him play here again after this spell.
Fred remains a frustrating watch too. We all know what's there, but he seems content to cruise too often. Would love to see some of those devastating bursts of pace.
Phil & Brian both use the same handles on twitter as they do on here.
Messaged them earlier and asked them to give a shout out for the Gasroom.
Need to be more assertive at home to this. Would love Fred to take the game by the scruff, he's good enough but rarely fancies that
Wrexham losing 2-0
Thanks fella, shame that it has to be through X, will refrain.
Solid half so far against a poor showing from Exeter. Would like us to turn the screw a bit. The tempo isn’t as intense as it could be. Disappointed with Grimmer again so far. He does enjoy pasting the ball out of play despite being unchallenged - there is no press on him
A lot of loose balls over the top skidding out of play.
A disappointing first 40 mins.
Yes. As Glasshalfempty might say LET'S PUT THESE MUGGY CAHNTS TO BED!!!!!!!!
Slow first half, letting them dictate the pace of the game.
Need to up it second half.
Of all our potential 9s (bar the injured Vokes), Lubala is the one who works least out wide. He is a poacher, and with this lineup it would actually work better to swap he and Kone.
I can't wait to see Sadlier back!
Lack of quality from both sides so far, not easy with balls pinging off a wet surface. Feel Exeter have done a good job so far in nullifying some of our more potent threats (Kone, Humphries, Fred), so hopefully as they tire in the 2nd half we’ll be able to create more space for them.
Back up to second as it stands. Wrexham are so over-rated
Give the ref and deflections time - they will turn it around.
Not the greatest first half. Need to be more proactive and dictate the pace of the game. With Wrexham losing 2-0, this is an ideal opportunity to gain some points on them. Cannot let opportunities slip.
counot agree more...most overrated team in the top half , been so lucky with late goals so far....we really do need to get the 3 points today
Tempo. Too slow.
I'd split Low and Taylor wider and push both full backs up high. We can't pass through their narrow front 4 at the moment. Would like to see us try and go over them.
Not fun so far, but all that counts is nicking a win and benefitting from that Wrexham scoreline.
The frills can come another game.
Turgid first half. No tempo being set. Wide players too hesitant.
Much improvement required
They seem to be stepping up their game, we need to , can't just hope we hang on and grab something.
Cam Humphreys is so talented. His decision making is impeccable for such a young player. You don’t get 10s of his quality at this level pretty much ever. I’ll be delighted if we ever get to see him play here again after this spell.
Been our best player by miles today, so far.
Kone needs to stop diving. Twice this game already, lost possession and allowed them to counter when he did in the first half.
First pen shout, no.
Handball shout, absolutely.
And Exeter fans have been very loud today. Mid table, hungover and an awful game of football to cheer. Makes a mockery of the attendance shaggers
Fred remains a frustrating watch too. We all know what's there, but he seems content to cruise too often. Would love to see some of those devastating bursts of pace.
But the goal is coming. I can feel it.
Fred has been somnambulant the past few games.
Should we lose, forensic archeologists will point to this post as the start of tonight's forum meltdown.
Sky experience has actually been quite good today