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Aaron Morley



  • edited December 2024

    There’s been two ways of approaching the up/down vote thing I has seen on other sites:

    1. embrace the down votes so much so that everyone starts with minus 747462927374792. You have a total number of up/down votes as a counter next to your name that the number is automatically so low people start to not give a poo if a singular post gets 1 up vote and 14 down.
    2. Complete transparency in the system. Hover over the thumb and you see who has either up or down voted. It stops people stealth downvoting people just because they don’t like the person regardless of what has been posted. It also gives you, the poster, the power to block those that regularly downvote vote you but don’t take the time or effort to engage in conversation on a forum to say why they think you are wrong.
  • The thumb system is a good way to stop threads getting clogged with 'I agree' and 'LOL' type of posts. Perhaps taking anonymity away from the thumbs would be a solution. I don't know.

  • Or the owner could charge 5p per downvote. That would keep him in Belgian beers for some time.

  • I sympathise with Micra’s friend because some people are more sensitive than others. Personally, I think it’s a bit of harmless fun, after all I was once told on Facebook ‘I hope you get cancer of the throat so we never have to hear you commentate again.’ Staggering how someone can even think like that let alone write it on a public forum.

  • That is truly disgusting and one of the reasons that the Gasroom is my only on line platform.

  • I’m often fascinated by some things that people say on various platforms of that nature. Is it alcohol? Is it an attempt at dark humour? Is a craving for attention? There are so many examples of trolling ending up in dire consequences for the troll it’s staggering people still persist. Jon Robson’s ‘So you’ve been publicly shamed’ is a lesson to all about posting before you think.

    We all get angry sometimes. The notes feature is a great tool to vent on. 99/100 you can revisit that note and ponder ‘what the hell was I thinking?’.

  • I think it's that some people are just horrible human beings

  • Obviously a horrific thing to say, and minor little jostles on here we never have anything even remotely like that.

    But under their real name as well? Does the person still post on there?

    That's the sort of thing that should be an immediate ban from, well life, not just a facebook group. Straight to their workplace etc.

  • This sums up the balance between reality and 'It's just a bunch of anonymous people typing on the internet'.

    I was on another forum where one of the most beloved posters died and I went to his funeral (it was really near my house)

    At the funeral the celebrant made a lot of references to the bloke's online life and his family where somewhat taken aback at just how many strangers really liked the guy and mourned his passing. It was really quite moving.

    So there you are.

  • No idea as he posted anonymously and it was several years ago. I do know that he was a Chelsea fan if that’s relevant in any way. As someone posted earlier, there are some horrible people out there.

  • Ahh the anonymous thing makes sense.

    It'd be even more worrying if someone posted it under their own name as they'd be the reckless type without any sort of care about reprisals.

  • You've only got to look at the things football fans say/do to see how little people care about reprisals. Tragedy chanting seems to be an ever-present thing at certain fixtures, sadly.

  • edited December 2024

    Herd mentality, easy to shout abuse when in the safety of a group.

    Some will try it outside of a group and get a richly deserved strawberry jam headbutt from some not impressed massive built player.

  • It is herd mentality, but there were arrests the other week - not as easy to get away with these days.

    We had all that nonsense from MK fans directed at Bayo the other year - the mind boggles.

  • You'd have thought the Cantona incident all those years ago would have been a warning about the 'repercussions' of shooting your mouth off!

  • That should be the sentence for any abusive fan.

    A massive tough guy player gets to take a running leap at you studs up.

  • To be fair Malone we don’t actually have to sell him to you there could be other suitors. We know that Evatt (assuming he’s still here) wants to improve the squad in January so even if he doesn’t see a place for AM in our squad he may need to sell to raise the cash for alternatives.

  • That is true, although Morley would need to agree to it too.

    How much did you buy him in for? And did he sign a long term deal only the summer gone?

  • Evening all,

    Have just returned to the Gasroom and I must say I’m slightly taken aback by the amount of discussion that my thumbing post has generated.

    First, my apologies to Aaron Morley himself and any of his friends and family who may have “tuned in” curious to read the latest Gasroom speculation about his future, knowing how keen we all are to keep him, in his own words, at this great club.

    i’ve never met the Gasroomer whose concerns l mentioned earlier today so I am flattered that he has chosen on a couple of occasions to approach me via direct message for advice. On the most recent occasion, I said that I could understand him wanting to withdraw from the Gasroom but that I didn’t understand why he had considered not following the Wanderers altogether.

    I’d not heard from him since late November which was obviously a concern but I see now that he accessed the Gasroom yesterday.

    Finally, thanks to everyone for your helpful comments, suggestions and anecdotes. There are clearly far worse places to socialise on line. Long live the Gasroom.

  • I had couple of similar direct messages from people when I had a rest because it stopped bring much fun, who also thought they were being wrongly harangued and targetted by particular posters so had stopped messaging and were actually put off supporting. I replied that you can stop debating on the gasroom but it would be sad to stop supporting your team because a bunch of strangers on a fan forum got your goat. I suppose if something you start as a bit of enjoyment becomes something else it can drag you down without you really noticing it and have an effect on your well being.

    (Of course, I also got some very nice direct messages too.)

  • That is where we have got things wrong. Trolls can be trolls and on the rare occasion when they do it to someone's face and get a slap they play victim. And usually get victim status. More slaps required I say, online and offline.

  • Dear Wife,

    Some anonymous people on a relatively small internet forum have been giving me the thumbs down for being slightly positive about the Middle East. Because of this I'm not coming over to Dubai to see you anymore. And I'm getting a divorce. And I'm sleeping with the cute Chinese postgrad who's moved in nextdoor.

    Cheers, ta.

  • My above comment has received a thumbs down. Because of this I am NOT going to divorce my wife and will see her in the UAE this Christmas.


  • Well as usual Malone it was an “undisclosed fee” but reckoned to be around £100k so we should get more than that back for him I expect. Yes he signed a new 3 year extension until 2027 so he is tied to us for a while yet. We all thought it was a strange one because even then he wasn’t a guaranteed starter and didn’t really shine when he did come on in Evatt’s system which never showed his best qualities. In fact that’s the problem with Evatt, he takes good players and makes them worse as he’s doing with Collins, Adebeyejo, Charles and others. We’re in the sacking season now with four more yesterday and another this morning so we’re all hoping Evatt will be next though we’re not confident he will sadly. Can’t you do us a favour and move Blooms out then Evatt can move in with his girlfriend Sharon in Wycombe? 🤣

  • Maybe you can invite Ken Anderson back? He’d do a better job than Sharon, right?

  • It seems fitting that I post this here.

    This certainly rattled his cage.

  • Agree with this. Keep the thumbs up option but remove the thumbs down. Leave that for the keyboard warriors of Twatter, Faceache and Binstagram.

  • LX1LX1
    edited December 2024

    This is quite good tbf

    Although you have exposed yourself as a spoof poster 🤣

    If your nickname wasn't enough 🤣

  • Not that old bollox again, I thought we were past all that nonsense.

    I've been to a Gasroom meet-up and actually met some people IRL, including @bluntphil . You, on the other hand, seem to exist in a drug-fuelled netherworld, posting incomprehensible nonsense in the small hours.

  • LX1LX1
    edited December 2024

    I climbed into Switzerland once with my children.

    I doubt you have the wit or intelligence to understand my comments.

    'drug fuelled netherworld' is punishable in a British court of law. Won't be hard to find out who you really are.

    Slanderous Scumbag

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