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Matt Bloomfield article

edited November 2024 in Football

Is this worthy of a new thread? I’ll let you decide…



  • "We want to dominate the game, whether that’s in or out of possession."

    So far so good!

  • Excellent read

  • edited November 2024

    Bloody hell - what a fit for a team with youngsters provided by the best academy in the country , where they eat data for breakfast.

    And bloody hell - he'll be England manager some day. That's the job to hang on for Matt, when you have done all you can for the mighty Wycombe.

    Edit: Only don't tell anyone yet a while.

  • Very good article

  • Like the bit about not just having possession for possession's sake. Purposeful possession is what we want to see and what we are getting

  • What a bright mind our Blooms has! He is definitely a modern manager with a keen purpose.

  • By the way, is Craig Bloomfield related to Matt, or just a coincidence?

  • Just a coincidence I think - he's the editor of CV

  • Cheers. If they conducted the interview at Blackpool's stadium, we really are in the twilight zone!

  • I've got a headache after reading that. The days of the manager sending the players out with an "all the best, lads" are long gone. It's science now. Pamphlets and playbooks on arrival. What? Posters everywhere. Probably got formations on the loo roll. Who'd be a footballer? What a depressing insight into our current data obsessed regime. One that is producing arguably the finest, slickest and fun to watch style ever witnessed at Adams Park. Long may it continue.

  • “Can we not knock it…?”

    Simpler times…

  • edited November 2024

    “Got to start to use yer heads. You play football with yer heads”. Flipping heck. Young Nigel on the bench looking bemused.

    Priceless insight into Graham Taylor’s cerebral approach.

  • Hopefully that article doesn't give too much away, cos whatever he's doing it's working!!

  • It's hard to believe that '3 at the back come what may' has evolved into 'total football'.

    As long as Lommy doesn't fall out of the Burj Kalifa, we are poised for great things.

  • I still don't really understand Blooms' 3-at-the-back approach for most of last season. And the fact that he stuck to it for so long when it so clearly wasn't working. It is beyond puzzling, especially given the tactical genius we've seen since. I'd love to know his thought process

  • edited November 2024

    He only finished his coaching badge this June so maybe "don't do 3 at the back" was the last module on the course.

  • I think the theory of three at the back is clear enough, given how much he expects our fullbacks to get forward. As what I thought was a very perceptive post on the Lincoln forum said, it’s not surprising that we concede a few goals given the gung ho approach and no criticism of our excellent centre backs

  • edited November 2024

    Thing is, we don't even concede that many goals. We've got a good balance - unlike, say, Peterborough (32 scored, 29 conceded).

  • ’Only’ nine conceded from the last ten league games. Six of those games were away, many of which were also against pretty strong opposition.

  • Just seen that we've been awarded the most penalties in the league (4). That feels like something that happens to a title-winning team...

  • edited November 2024

    All of them were blatant penalties. Three awful tackles from behind on players running in on goal (Rotherham, Stockport, Lincoln) and the clearest handball you'll ever see (Peterborough)

  • Further to my comment earlier & the recent Telegraph article about Bloomfield having dinner with Southgate, Matt is really (& rightly) flavour of the month.

    The thing that hasn't really been discussed in any of these articles, but was touched on in the Fans Forum, is the club culture & the way everyone, including the new leadership team, recognise it & buy in to it. For me this is the "secret sauce" that has regularly allowed us to be greater than the sum of our parts & punch above our weight.

  • It's a grumble many casual observers have made for as long as I can remember. Manchester United in the early 90s certainly seemed to get more than their fair share, but teams that put opponents under pressure in their penalty area are more likely to get penalties. We certainly have a number of players who have the ability to do that, and are reaping the rewards.

  • Oh definitely, it just feels very champions-y!

  • Weirdly the numbers don't seem to bear that out

  • Wouldn’t read too much into the stat. We also have most goals, most wins and most points!

  • I didn't understand most of it...but he sounds like he knows what he's doing.

  • Very, very Champion-y!

  • He is certainly a switched on coach our Matt. He has a very big future in the game and hopefully a few more years with the mighty Chairboys.

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