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Reading offer Bearwood training ground to Wycombe



  • edited September 2024

    No I don't think he honestly does care.... thats not being facetious.... its facts.

    ML hasn't supported the club since he was young. He has never had a season ticket... he has never volunteered to scrub the seats in pre season..... the Couhigs did a great job of acting like they cared.... but it was a business venture..... and.....

    It's a business venture for ML.... I'm sure he cares about his business.... I'm sure he cares that his category 1 academy comes to fruition.... I'm sure he cares that the 1st team do just well enough not to cause him any worry or concern.....

    However he is a business man and an investor looking out for no.1 at the end of the day.

    We are the only ones that truly give a shit

    ... us.... the long term fans.

  • I quite like the cold-heartedness of this. It's not some bullshit version of 'love' but a mutually beneficial transaction between two interested parties.

    But that's enough about my marriage.

  • It's not as if he is hanging around the training ground with Sam Grace and the new Academy director either. His Business partner / director has been around and at games.

    Silent investor, very wealthy with an interest in us but no interest in personal headlines will do fine for me for now. I'd rather he let Dan Rice , Blooms and others get on with it than make up stories and adopt clichés like everyone else does. Another Alan Sugar or Simon Jordan isn't required anywhere.

    I think if he boosts the club using the academy then with lots of luck you can look towards being able to spend big and maintain it for some years like Bournemouth and then maybe sell up if he likes but I don't think you get any of that without huge investment.

    The academy on its own is no guarantee of anything, certainly not of getting that money back. It's not really a safe or probably even sensible investment so he must have some interest in seeing the club advance in all areas.

  • edited September 2024

    So no one’s worried about him getting bored, or worse’s deciding the academy isn’t giving him ROI so as a successful businessman, decides to stop funding a loss making organisation.

    ok cool.

    But there is a reason posed this in the thread talking about Readings predicaments.

    Let’s not get too smug if things start looking bad for them again. There, by the grace of ML, goes us.

  • Our future is dependent on the data in the fitness watch he wears.

  • I sincerely hope Reading survive and prosper. I really don’t want another club to go out of business. Good luck to them but I hope Rob knows what he is doing taking on this challenge.

  • I 100% agree with this.

    My point is that expecting wealthy club owners to truly "care" about the club they are involved with is pie in the sky.

    Of course now ML has set out a long term plan and is heavily investing in the academy idea.... he has to care and hopefully will stay committed to his vision and long term plan. I am very happy (for the record) with his vision, seeming commitment and future funding being pumped in to our club.

    However he didn't "fall in love" with Wycombe like Rob suggested... and Rob and Co never "fell in love with Wycombe " like Rob always tried to suggest. Remember... a very short while before purchasing us ... Rob tried to purchase another club that never came to fruition..... we were infact.. a second choice or forced hand if Im Being coarse ...

    I think continued involvement with us possibly did make them warm to our charm ... especially Pete.... I genuinely think he got the wwfc bug and enjoyed and embraced his involvement. I ponder if Rob thought he got himself too caught up in that respect?

    I sincerely hope ML gets the bug and becomes a real supporter... but its nieve at best to assume that just because someone has bought our club.... that they truly care about our club.

  • That's why the investment in building an academy rather than just signing expensive players on unsustainable contracts is attractive. Does he love us, almost certainly not, he might in the future.

    I always assumed we'd be back to bucket collections and buying people who can barely walk long before now and it may come again so you might as well enjoy the upside, or at least the stability and promise.

  • We are not going to get a Wycombe-supporting billionaire walking in that door. The next best thing is a non-Wycombe supporting intelligent billionaire (ie. not a trust fund kid) who has clearly hired good people, has a long term view, and could set alight to a pile of cash symbolizing our annual revenue for fun.

    It may end in tears, but for me it is very much so far so good.

  • Possibly not the right thread but on the subject of where this last bit of conversation has lead....

    I have a question/s..... unless I've misunderstood.... we seem to be investing heavily into infrastructure etc at Harlington.... getting ready to go up the rankings in the academy categorisation rankings..... new buildings.... talk of an all weather undercover "dome"...

    We don't own the Harlington facilities... we rent them right?

    So how does this all work then? Are we definitely staying here long term? Do we get reduced or free use if we develop the facilities?

    Just thinking out loud here ....

  • edited September 2024

    How far can we move before we're the new MK Dons?

    I'm guessing that at some point in the future the owner would love to move the club nearer the training ground.

    Gerrard's Cross still counts as Wycombe, doesn't it? As the bit where the M40 meets the M25 looks like a sweet spot for the new Kaspi Stadium. ML could easily pay-off the residents of Fulmer.

    (Not until 2029, obviously)

  • Gerrard's Wanderers with Stevie G making a return to UK management from Saudi

  • Good question. I also heard about the £x million pound all weather pitch / dome which is awaiting planning permission. This on top of the £1mill training pitch in use now. Not like we can take it with us …. Or maybe we can

  • Part of me believes we are in the middle of Trading Places type game. He has bet someone for a $1 that he can take a lower league team from nowhere to the Premier League using his skills and experience with maths and data.

    Do I think he loves Wycombe Wanderers? No, of course not. Do I think Rob did? I don't really think so, I think he enjoyed his time here but never really loved anyone who questioned him. Pete LOVED Wycombe Wanderers.

    So long as ML respects Wycombe Wanderers and does not get bored and just walks I will be ok. My big fear is that he racks up the overhead and then gets bored leaving us high and dry with no investor wanting to touch us. When you have billions in the bank and no emotional investment there is no reason why he shouldn't leave us in the same boat as Reading find themselves in today.

  • The only way I think he would walk is if he is obstructed along the line by the FA in progressing his baby (the Academy) in achieving category 1 status.

    I also think he probably values his business reputation more than Yongge to leave his business in Reading's current state.

    He probably has more control of his own wealth than Yongge seems to have.

  • I think…,,his nephew…..Pete Couhig….,showed some signs…..of being a little in love with “our” club…..

  • Apologies, @Alexo. Just reread your post and you made that very point.

  • I wonder how close RC is to walking away. If he even can. He must’ve seen this as an opportunity to make a quick buck and be a good guy, having done his job as the front man by next summer at the latest. Instead he finds himself dealing with lawyers ‘across 14 time zones.’

  • The lawyers across 14 times zones did grind my gears somewhat. I've done business across multiple time zones for years and the reality does not have to be problematic. Parties just agree some work late some work early in their normal days. It's not rocket science. It sounds like one party is faxing something at 5pm and going home and then the other party is faxing back at their 5pm. It's nonsense. Sometimes people think that all football fans have come straight out of the woollen mill and gone to a game in their clogs therefore having no understanding of the grown up stuff. An insult to Reading fans.

  • Not insurmountable problems when a company or group is put together properly and everyone is working to the same goal maybe but if you are basically getting the run around it probably doesn't help.

    The willingness of other parties to get on and make a deal or series of deals that are in the best interest off the club or even the majority is still to be seen really.

    Even if his own firm are doing all the legwork this is surely starting to mount costs for Rob. Clock's ticking unfortunately biscuit people.

  • That's all fine, as long as all the parties are actually interested, invested and keen on a quick resolution, but some of these parties are Dai Yongge's people. I bought a house once, and every single interaction between the lawyers took two weeks, our lawyers would complain to us that they sent X letter ten days ago and hadn't had a reply. When I eventually looked up where the other party's lawyers were they were literally across the street from ours. They could have sent letters as paper sodding planes. Lawyers are very often not keen on a quick resolution.

  • These were exactly my thought. Much less insulting (and probably closer to the truth) to admit that lawyers are almost never in a hurry.

    Easy to blame Yongge, but given his age I’d imagine he’s going over every detail every carefully as well.

  • Totally agree.

    Looking at the length of time it took clubs to shift Ashley or the bloke at Southend, and Ratcliffe could not even dislodge the Glazers properly, I am sure Dai's team will be looking at every detail to maximise things to his benefit.

    One of our moves years ago almost fell through due to the delaying tactics of our own solicitor just down the street (who kept asking for bizarre clarifications that we did not need or ask for...while we had no idea why it was taking so long!)

  • Reminds me of a friend of mine who was working as a contract Planning Officer for Hackney Borough Council, he took a call from a "customer" & told them he would get back to them asap; his boss then called him out & reminded him that they had an SLA of 30 days response to planning queries & they used every 1 of those days before they responded...

    On a diferent note when I ran a project from the UK involving Sydney & New York, I would phone the Aussies at 6.30/7am UK time (meant they had to work a little late) & the Yanks at midday-1pm UK time which meant they had to start early. Invariable the Yanks would phone me back around midday their time which just about worked for me.

  • SLA's in the public sector as the curse of efficiency and one of the many reasons I hate working with any gov dept. However as this is a private deal. No one is forcing the current owner to sell, he is a willing seller, no one is forcing Rob to buy so each party should be motivated more along of your UK/Sydney/NY project. Each delay brings more confusion - Bowen now, Azeez last week, what next week?

  • @TheAndyGrahamFanClub I agree re the public sector & yes this is a private deal & one would haope all parties are interested enough in doing the deal to make it happen.

    As an aside I have found pretty much every solicitor & corporate lawyer to be more interested in their billables than pretty much anything else; the longer they can string it out the more they can charge.

  • Do you think things would be quicker or slower if there weren’t targets?

  • Dai really should be a willing seller but there is little evidence to support that.

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