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Reading offer Bearwood training ground to Wycombe



  • It scans better than "dear fans of previously unconsidered business opportunity - Please pile in all your hard earned £ over the next year or so, if It doesn't all go tits up then the sale will really help fill out my pension fund"

  • It is my understanding that the Reading fans are on their way to the Knightsbridge Hotel, bed sheets and all. At £500 a night, I would expect linen to be included.

  • Rob has done so much for us, taking us to the dizzy heights of the Championship, and now is sacrificing himself to the bedsheet boys so we no longer have to listen to their whinging

    Build the man a statue

  • Up the ding without a paddle.

  • How long will it be before the fans demand he gets his "check" book out to compete with Birmingham?

  • Both sides gonna be doing some rapid revisions to history.

    Rob ‘I saw the passion of their fans when we were offered the training ground and from that day knew I wanted to be part of a group so committed’

    Reading fans ‘it was a tiny minority of fans who insulted Pete. We simply could see that Rob had done wonderful things at Wycombe and should turn his attention to us’

  • Ed_Ed_
    edited August 2024

    It has been a long time since the last football related chart success. Do recent events pave the way for a Couhig cover of My Ding-A-Ling ?

  • * a few years later *

    Up the Wycding!

  • 6881 with 1886

  • Oops. Wrong thread🙈

  • He does love engineering these non nicknames doesn't he!

  • Actually I withdraw that as checking with my Reading pal, up the ding is a long held expression for them!

    Sounds rubbish and made up on the hoof though!

  • Does WWFC actually own Marlow Rd? I thought it was owned by a(nother) consortium of slightly dubious characters.

  • If they ever play MK does it become a Ding Dong Derby?

  • This is beginning to tarnish Rob’s legacy with WWFC. With him saying he saw the Reading fans commitment during the time of attempting to purchase Bearwood and decided he wanted to be part of that committed group (yuk). The bloke (Rob), was still chairman of Wycombe at the time and was telling us that constant travel across the pond was not conducive for someone of his age.

    I thought a lot of Rob when he was with us and thought he really felt something for the club. However, he was obviously plotting a quick exit from Wycombe well before he actually resigned as chairman.

    I now think he threw us a few curved balls during all of this.

    I know this may have been mentioned before but I really feel that we have been deceived somewhat.

  • Owner equivalent of a player kissing the badge before getting a transfer to a bigger club.

  • It would have been nice hadn't told us he was getting too old for the travel, but Reading just aren't interesting enough to get that upset about.

  • cant decide if ‘up the ding’ sounds painful/ rude/ or both!

  • edited August 2024

    I seem to remember Rob was making a documentary with other American based EFL owners. This latest saga suggests they needed extra material. I still have every expectation that the deal will hit unforeseen ‘bumps in the road’.

  • Maybe a best forgotten 70s comedy starring Frankie Howerd.

  • That’s brilliant. Well, I would think that, wouldn’t I.

    @perfidious_albion - up the dong sounds even more painful.

  • Rob’s a business man and a Trump-supporting lawyer so anyone that thought he’d fallen in love with little Wycombe Wanderers as opposed to viewing us as a business opportunity is a bit naive.

  • My personal theory, and I’ve no great evidence to back this up, is that Rob was thinking about a potential takeover of Reading well before the Bearwood saga.

    However, he knew then and presumably knows now that he’s got to cut costs significantly as he doesn’t have the money to lose tens of millions of pounds every season like the last few Reading owners have.

    Therefore, he opportunistically tried to see if he could get Lomtadze to buy it. Giving Wycombe the training ground we were in the middle of searching for and removing that particular millstone from around Reading’s neck, thus making it a more realistic investment for him.

    In the end it just didn’t come together. Wycombe got Harlington instead, which is better located given its proximity to London but Rob still got Reading.

    It’ll be very interesting to see what he does with Bearwood and the Reading’s Academy.

  • It may be my age, but I have found the Football to be quite packed with players, managers, owners, or celebrity fans saying (understandably) they always wanted to be where they've just arrived, the fans are great, the facilities are great, can't wait to do great things while the people they left behind say

    'What about us? you ****ing Judas!'

    If he had said I want to get to the Premiership and I ain't getting there with Wycombe (have you seen those toilets?) however much I open my pocket book, but I've conned some Ruskie billionaire to pay me off enough to get my claws on Reading...

  • We're still getting that new road aren't we?

    Aren't we?

  • Your theory is largely correct. It has been well known that Couhig was looking to buy Reading long before Wycombe’s attempts to purchase Bearwood were made public.

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