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Reading offer Bearwood training ground to Wycombe



  • Towards the end both the Trust and the Lomtadze had to loan him money for cash flow and the Trust paid for the toilet upgrades as Rob couldn’t fund them.

    The money is clearly coming from somewhere else

  • I’m old enough to remember a time when Rob wasn’t just about to buy Reading, but only just.

  • I always love this sort of argument, say something about someone’s finances that you can’t possibly know and then when that is pointed out, use the fact that the other party can’t know either as some kind of shield against their complaint.

  • I'm old enough to remember when Rob left as Wycombe chairman because he no longer wanted to make the regular journeys to the UK ... I suppose a businessman never misses an opportunity for cash!

  • I doubt you have £30m, but I don't know for sure!

  • He also suggested he was too old for such things. But maybe he's identifying as younger these days, to bypass it.

  • When I expressed astonishment on here that Rob found £25 million for a training ground but had no money for the toilets...I was told by much cleverer people, versed in business, that 'that's not how it works'.

    I assume it's still not how it works.

  • The amount of money needed to buy and maintain a football club seldom has any relation to the amount of money the buyer of a football club actually has.

  • Had this in drafts, apologies for repeating others.

    He may at a push have the asking price but the ongoing capacity to invest is highly unlikely, remember when he talked about three new stands but the trust had to pay for the bogs to be painted? Also had an unconfirmed suggestion from someone at the time that his family were less than impressed with him spending any more.

    He could have got a large payout from Lomtadze but it seems just as likely that he effectively gave it up for the amount he had committed anyway.

    Reading fans seem to think a takeover means going straight out into the transfer market. He will no doubt be asked if the Prem is a target, maybe better to ask if relegation would be a disaster. Interesting bit in the Wrexham TV show thing was a realisation that you can probably buy your way out the conference or L2 for £8-10m, but that really does multiply up at higher levels.

  • The use of the ? indicates a question. I do not know and punctuation allows me to use this character to indicate I am asking. It's quite a clever thing

  • If Couhig buys Reading, will it tarnish what he did with us? Have to say his comments about selling us was partly due to his advancing years and the exhausting trips from the States, slightly sticks in my throat if the Reading purchase completes. Wonder where the money is coming from? His new best friend from Eastern Europe?

  • Hasn't everything in your post been covered already over the last 30 odd pages?

  • I love the idea that Rob Couhig is buying Reading on behalf of Lomtadze.

    If I were building a conspiracy in favour of this I'd point to...

    1) no sign of Lomtadze at Wycombe (did he ever really care for us?)

    2) no great spending on player transfers despite his wealth (why waste his money?)

    3) the new training ground in West London is only a temporary arrangement (we don't know for how long....)

    ERGO... Couhig is a frontman for a Lomtadze bid that will eventually see the clubs merge and with a combined playing squad and a permanent training ground in Bearwood.

    On the other hand... it's all bullshit.


  • At the press conference to announce the merger, Robert Maxwell will appear from behind a curtain to reveal he didn't actually die and this has been his long game since the failure of his Thames Valley Royals plans were scuppered.

    Netflix will be all over this.

  • Reading are so boring that even if we merged with them, the club would be called Wycombe Wanderers and play in quarters because we would forget who it was we were supposed to have merged with.

  • I am 99% sure it says that RC is leading a consortium to buy Reading FC

    RC is the face of their takeover and doesn’t need to £30m some of you have mentioned.

  • Can’t be bothered to read 30 pages. Clearly you’ve got more time on your hands!!!

  • If Couhig does buy us, I sincerely hope that you or any Wycombe fans will not let it tarnish your memories of him after all he gave you some good times (which I hope will return for you) . Who knows if he sold up your club with the intention of buying Reading or if he he thought afterwards "I got a bit of cash in my pocket, what can I do with it?

  • edited August 2024

    Rob did a good job. Hopefully the new bloke will do a good job.

  • I'm sticking with my light and dark blue tinted glasses and staying optimistic that we had a millionaire owner..... who sold us to a billionaire owner.... who is apparently with us for the long term

    ..... until anything else materialises out of the wood work I'm going to sit content with what we have and look back with fond memories of the Couhigs ownership.

  • Funny you should that. At the time of his demise, I wondered if an empty was buried. as .he chose to be buried in Israel, where exhumations are not allowed! He could easily afforded to drop the undertakers a million quid or so to carry out his wishes. Did anyone see his body as if I remember correctly he was buried pretty quick on his arrival in the country? "Many a true word is spoken in jest" is an old saying.

  • My guess is around the time he was looking at Bearwood, he realized that he could actually just buy Reading. The sale to ML on our side was already in process, so it probably all came together.

  • This analysis is far too sensible. We prefer a more Scooby Doo villain version on here.

  • It Looks like the deal is actually set to go through within the next few days.

    Finally, FINALLY. This whole saga with Wycombe and Reading is set to End, Im just relieved that we can actually move the hell on from it

    "No rest for the wicked- not even on holiday. I am told the deal is agreed and the 'final stage' is expected to be completed by Friday. Announcement due early next week. Couhig currently working at B'wood and will be at the game on Saturday"

  • This is at least the third time James Earnshaw has reported that the deal is sorted.

  • To be fair I've seen many, many publications outside of Reading list that the deal is close to done, Including Bloomberg for some reason

    but James Earnshaw seems to be the closest journalist to the football club itself, and also the last time any sort of update of the deal from him was back in July with the cryptic Rob Tweet.

  • We need RC to try and buy Marlow Road from us now, so that we can put stickers and bedsheets up outside the Madejski.

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