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  • It is a very strong league and we are going to need pace up front and a No.10 who can create. Hopefully we will bring one or two in.

  • I hope we do too, but our new owners have a long term plan and from my understanding of what i have heard from Rice etc... don't necessarily seem intent on a make it or break it push for the championship this season at least.

    We have a decent.... very decent by Wycombe standards squad already. I don't see us finishing below high mid-table... not sure they would mind about that either.

    Seems to be a slow and gentle transitional season for us.

  • We’re one of the dozen or so teams at can legitimately hope to end the season in the playoffs. Hopefully we’ll pick up one or two more, and get lucky with injuries and be there or thereabouts at the end. Should be a great season.

  • Went with two Premier League supporting fans who haven’t watched us for a couple of years. Their observations for what they are worth:

    -At least you are trying to play it on the deck these days.

    -You need GMac to stay fit, all the good stuff through him.

    -Centre backs are decent

    -Isn’t your keeper short!

    -Scowen is better breaking up deep than creating forward

    All well and good, what do Forest and L’pool fans know about League One any how.

  • I think any gaps you think we have in wide positions will be filled by loanees. And/or the return of Hanlan. I'm not convinced we know our best 11 yet but the challenge this year is choosing the right square peg for the right square hole. Last season we were trying to get players to play out of position too much.

    Also last season I looked at our main strikers (Vokes and Hanlan) and could barely see 10 goals between them. This season we have potential or proven scorers a plenty in the squad.

    As for Darius Johnson when I looked at his CV I assumed he was a development player. Nothing suggested he would challenge for a first team spot.

  • Darius Johnson has played competitively in Dutch second tier for last two seasons (arguably on par with League 1/2). He looked good on Tuesday. I wouldn’t be surprised if we signed some loans now.

  • We finished last season quite strongly and recruited well so I’m reasonably hopeful for a decent next season.

    Perhaps not getting the result today will do us good in the long run

    Tricky first few games though.

  • I don’t agree that we’re under par in wide areas at all.

    Our first choice pairing of McCleary and Sadlier are good enough to do a bit of damage to any team in this division. Especially with Kone, coming on at the rate he is, playing between them.

    We’ve then got Lubala and Hanlan as alternatives.

    Thats pretty decent overall.

  • I haven’t seen Kone at all this pre-season and was wondering if he has improved his overall game ahead of this coming season. Are there any signs from the pre-season games that he has stepped up?

    Not that the lad played badly last season but it was his first season in EFL football and he was obviously learning his trade.

    I see people on here saying he is a potential 20 goal a season player but are we expecting too much from a player who is still pretty new to full time professional football?

    I suppose only time will tell.

  • edited August 4

    The Swindon game appears to have been pretty low key with nothing like the intensity of the Watford encounter. Listening to an equally low key commentary from a lone @bluntphil, we appeared to have dominated possession and were evidently denied on several occasions by the impressive Swindon ‘keeper and by vital interceptions by defenders. Richard Kone was clearly his usual busy self, a constant threat and covering a lot of ground without being able to deliver the coup de grace. Leave that to the groundsman.

    Matt Bloomfield, in his post match interview, was noticeably (and understandably) more confident and less robotic than was sometimes the case last season, answering in the negative @bluntphil’s question whether he was happy with pre-season. Never happy but, after a moment’s pause for thought, content was his considered response. Always striving to improve. The lad will go far.

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