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Season tickets

It seems very odd to not be selling season tickets yet. RC may not care as he knew he was off loading the club. He always stated wwfc ‘ in best interests ‘ so if that the case he’d want to see income coming into the club. So why exactly are they not for sale. Surely must be the only club out of the 92 lge clubs not to be selling them. !



  • As others have mentioned the subscription model offsets this somewhat. But it does point to a bit of a decision making vacuum at the moment.

  • edited May 2024

    It doesn't quite offset it, as the subscription gang are just pro-rata paying off last year's ticket.

    So there's no 24/25 money coming in early, which there would always be a flood of by now.

    Maybe we don't need any money right now.

    Although the time to worry is always when we hear "don't worry about the money"

  • I made my first subscription payment in April 2021 ahead of the 21/22 season.

    So by my reckoning I've already made 37 payments (38 in a few days) which accounts for three full seasons and the first two payments towards next season!

  • With transfer fees largely going away and wages and other costs being weekly or monthly getting regular monthly income this way probably is a better thing.

    I still can't tell wether this is a deliberate policy btw to not mention it for fear of it reminding people they could cancel or just a bit of a post season lull while the new owner agrees budgets and priorities, staff take holidays and recover ahead of the new season and a bigger push in a week or two after some signings have been announced.

  • I cheekily sent an email to the club on the 11th May asking when news would come out and got the response ‘season ticket information will be announced shortly’. Shortly is obviously more than 10 days

  • I think the issue is more around people wanting to buy a season ticket rather than us who are already subscribers. A friend of mine is trying to purchase another ticket and it’s not possible currently which is strange.

  • I am sure it will all be sorted in a week or so.

  • It's not a massive leap to see them force people to the subscription model and discontinue the legacy type once it hits a high percentage of fans.

  • At least we aren't on this list.....

  • We would be if it was possible to buy one.

  • Let's not dress this up. It's madness that we haven't announced season ticket prices yet and got them on sale. The new owners should have laid some groundwork so that key decisions like this were considered before the deal was announced.

    We are a football club and our product is tickets. We currently can't sell those tickets. Ridiculous.

    It was annoying when we couldn't stock enough crisps. But I suspect bar snacks are a minor revenue line in the grand scheme of things. I can't believe that season tickets are anything other than a very significant revenue line for us so this isn't a trivial matter.

  • Our cheapest adult seated ticket was £400 last season, putting us the 13th most expensive out of 72 clubs.

    Our cheapest terrace ticket was £362 putting us second most expensive of teams with proper terraces.

    These are against our season ticket prices for 23/24. A 5% rise in our season tickets prices will see us 9th most expensive for seating and still second for terracing.

  • Season tickets? It's 2024 Granddad. The future is all apps utilising surge pricing.

    Our new owner is obsessed with apps and doesn't need the money that season tickets bring, so maybe there's some truth in the above.

  • Assume it's the ownership take over delaying it, but surely Rob C would have said season ticket turnover is one of the most important things to sort out?

    Unless we really are at something like 75-90% on subscriptions?

    Or we're intending to squeeze pricing up and want a renewal (still nothing on McCleary or Raz?) Or big signing or 2 to help?

  • I’m hoping it’s because the new owner wants to drop prices but trying to work out what that means for subscriptions.

    Match Day prices also need to drop - £31 / £29 in FA is ludicrous.

  • Who on earth is Raz?

  • I'll help out @micra, it should be expressed as "second most expensive of clubs" not teams.

    See elsewhere for his excellent explanation.

  • FmGFmG
    edited May 2024

    Does this point really need to be made in every tread??

    Especially here when it is arguably already right...Wycombe Wanderers in the club, in this instance the discussion is on the cost of a season ticket for the men's team. I presume the cost of season tickets for the club's women's team are quite cheap.

  • My advice... tread carefully around here.

  • Your second line is beyond any sort of doubt. There can't be many casuals who fancy rocking up and splashing 30 quid in for 3rd tier football. Especially not as part of a family - they'd be looking at £100 or more all in which is craziness.

    Not sure there's any chance of a season ticket reduction and don't think it'd take much thinking through of how to pass it on?

  • This.

  • Would it be a proper off-season on the gasroom if everyone wasn't going bananas about season tickets?

  • Raz Mattaz.

    Young full full back rumoured to be signing from Dorking.

    Apparently Bobby C told Micky Lomtadz the fireworks weren't enough and he should add some more razzmatazz to the matchday experience. It got lost in translation and we signed Raz by mistake.

  • Whilst still talking of delays Is it not strange we’ve heard nothing of the owner. No picture of Robby C handing over the keys, so to speak. No msg from Borrat!

  • There's plenty of broken egg shells around!

  • edited May 2024

    We have season tickets out!

    Price is held...apart from the small increase from early bird pricing of course.

  • Given that they are holding the season ticket prices, and have stated that they are keen to attract more to become season ticket holders, I wonder if they'll up the on the day prices?

  • Subscription charges have gone up though as i'm currently paying £41.16 a month for my ticket but according to the chart it will now be £42.83 a month

  • edited May 2024

    A 9% rise across the board for subscribers if my maths is correct. Which is outrageous.

  • With the tagline of 7 free tickets, that equates to an on the day price of £32 in the Frank Adams.

    Not sure if that’s higher than now? Maybe a £1?

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