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Man of the Match - Shrewsbury (H)


  1. MOTM?55 votes
    1. Stryjek
    2. Grimmer
    3. Keogh
    4. Jacobson
    5. Leahy
    6. Boyes
    7. Scowen
    8. Wheeler
    9. Phillips
    10. Sadlier
    11. D. Taylor
    12. McCleary (sub)
    13. Vokes (sub)
    14. L. Taylor (sub)


  • Needs a 'none of the above' option.

  • The guy on the added time board got it first time, can I vote for him.

  • Phillips, I'd say. Or Pierre. Oh, you mean current Wycombe players. OK.

  • Phillips, for nothing other than the very rare odd glimpse of quality

  • Scowen easily. Sponsors must be pissed

  • I'm abstaining. Another pathetic performance.

  • Phillips awesome in part first half but anonymous in the second. Hard to hand out any awards for that.

  • No one really stood out today, despite an improved performance overall

    On balance went for Phillips for his industriousness if nothing else.

  • I thought Sads had it for the first half, Grimmer in the second. Went for Grimmer.

  • Thought Keogh was the pick today. Phillips and Scowen also played well.

  • Scowen easily.

  • GMac ran at people. Gets my vote.

  • Phillips & Scowen did OK. That’s about all I can offer up.

    Shrewsbury somehow managed to offer even less of a threat than us so I could have played CB today and come off well. The fact we still lost despite this shows just what a state we’re in right now.

  • Grimmer?

    Think I was watching a different game

  • Phillips for me, miles above anyone else in the first half. A few contenders in the second half, but I'll stick with KP.

  • 8 different players getting votes so far suggests everyone was pretty average

  • edited December 2023

    Phillips had commitment and quality.

    Everyone else 5/10 or below apart from Taylor, D 2/10. Not up to it Taylor, L 1/10. Not up for it.

  • edited December 2023

    As for the Keogh MoM award how bad is it when a stadium laughs when it’s announced?

  • I didn’t laugh - I thought he was absolutely excellent. Remember whether you like it or not he has been told to play in a particular way and did it very well. If he been told to hoof it over midfield as per GA he would have done so. He also organised the defence well.

  • I thought Keogh was the right choice, he was faultless today. Phillips and Scowen the only other contenders.

  • Yes I’d probably go for Keogh too, him or Phillips.

    Keogh does slightly end up being the whipping boy for the manager’s tactical approach as he’s the guy who is asked to take the ball off Max and get things going (or not in reality).

    However, in terms of much of his actual defensive play it’s largely excellent and it was today.

    Would he get a game if we reverted to a back four (as we should)?

    No, not for me. I’d go for Taff and one of Forino or Low.

  • Listing out our various centre back options just made me think what an incredible mismatch between the quality of the options we have available there vs. our defensive record.

    Is it because of the 3-at-the-back?

    The lack of continuity week to week between the backline (obviously not helped by injury)?

    The playing it out from the back piece?

    All of the above? I wish I knew.

  • Remember when Joe Low was playing at such a high level we all thought we had one of the best all time signings? Now he barely gets in the side. Forino touted as a Championship transfer and now being bought on for 10 minutes. These two players alone show what a selection and form mess we are in. I mean no disrespect to Keogh but he should not be the main man. And as I said before defensively he did nothing wrong but he was a handbrake on everything we did at the back.

  • But clearly, Keogh gives Bloomfield exactly what he asks for. I don’t get it either by the way,

  • I worry that this is the case. 88 minutes. Ball goes into Max’s hands. GMac and Taylor are 2 on 3, Max goes to launch it, but checks himself as Keogh demands the ball. 11 Shrewsbury players get behind the ball, we waste another 90 seconds pissing around.

    I can’t believe at that point the brains trust on the bench are high fiving at a coaching job well done.

  • edited December 2023

    The Keogh situation is interesting. His ground passes to the wingbacks are inch perfect and he wins pretty well every header. In the last couple of games he has got well forward a few times. All faultless. And you’ll see similar slow build-ups from many Premier League teams.

    On the other hand, there was diddly squat pressure on our defence throughout the match. I thought Shrewsbury were horribly negative. Not at all Luke Leahy style and it’s easy to see how he and Killian Phillips would have been persuaded to come to Adams Park.

    Possibly yesterday was a day to revert to long balls forward. We must have spent 55% of our time in the final third and long balls forward would have increased that by 10%, possibly just sufficient to have converted one or two of those goalmouth scrambles against the parked bus into goals.

  • Be tighter at the back, go to a four to provide width further forward, put Phillips furthest forward and launch balls when needed isn't something Pep would do but might have got us three points yesterday.

    Keogh seemed to think he was prime Maldini and Cruyff rolled into one, and while some of that comes from the manager and he has been better defensively recently @TheAndyGrahamFanClub is spot on.

  • edited December 2023

    Just had a long chat with @Davieboy (Dave Gardner) who runs the Friends of WW Facebook Group. He made the point that nobody looked capable of scoring goals, including Dale Taylor who scored half a dozen goals for Burton when on loan there for the last three months of the season.

    The big difference was that I’m pretty sure Burton let the opposition come on to them so that they could counterattack against three or four defenders rather than a parked bus. The MB approach is to push so many players forward into the last third (and not particularly rapidly) that the opposition simply pack the box to make it well nigh impenetrable. Shrewsbury were never going to accept the invitation to press forward. If we’d held back waiting, the game would have come to a complete standstill !

    As I said earlier, yesterday called for long balls forward and leave the attacking players to play the neat, rapid and intricate inter-passing.

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