26 predictions now - we made virtually simultaneous posts. @peterparrotface takes 11 off the average for the total crowd and changes the average away prediction to 785.
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13654 with 772 Chairpeople who quite enjoy a trip to London.
13456 including 789 us.
13500 with 650 from Wycombe
13899 with 799 away.
13800 with 765
12,602 with 579 away.
13,260 with 787 away please
11984 with 564, thanks!
12345 with 678
12701 with 622 Chairfolk
14,500 with 850 from Wycombe.
13800 with 800
12,221 with 666 venturing south of the river
12,780 (780 away)
15,278 with 1,171 Blues
14,141 with 876 from Wycombe.
12,006 with 710 most welcome fans from the Chair Metropolis.
12412 with 927 away
13,131 with 852 away please
12345 with 876 Wycombe
13009 with 898
12,436 including 808 Blues in green and white.
12,708 including 813 away
12,803 with 888 away
12789 with 822 travelling to north Kent
Early Matchday morning with 25 predictions now already recorded -
Average for Total Crowd: 13084
Average for Away Crowd: 783
Happy predicting to those still to cast their forecast. Safe travel and good voices to those who are attending. Up the Blues. 💙
26 predictions now - we made virtually simultaneous posts. @peterparrotface takes 11 off the average for the total crowd and changes the average away prediction to 785.
12,980 with 872 Chairboys.
13,287 with 680 chairboys
12830 with 840 Chairpeople