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The Wanderer - Out tomorrow!

Just in time for the opening game of the season, we finally have the announcement that all Wycombe fans have been waiting for - Issue 124 of The Wanderer fanzine is out tomorrow!

We may not have a goalkeeper, a centre-back, or chips, but YOU can have 52-pages of Wanderers wit and wisdom to fill the matchday programme-shaped hole in your heart, all for the bargain price of just two British pounds - or free to WWISC members.

This issue features an interview with WanderersTV host Phil Catchpole, and will also reveal which opposition manager has won last season's Nolan Award.

Pick up your copy from the @WWISC1994 stand, on the left hand side of Hillbottom Road, just before you reach the Adams Park gates. There should also be a small number of membership forms available for anyone wishing to join WWISC or renew their membership. Remember that joining WWISC will get you (among many other benefits) a FREE copy of every new edition of The Wanderer.

Come and say hi and pick up your copy. We may sell out, so get yours early to avoid disappointment.

Enjoy the game and Come On You Blues!


  • @Jonny_King Not sure if you know me by my message board handle but I was in your form at JHGS. 8L and 9L from memory. Hope you are well mate.

  • Nick! Yeah I’m good thanks mate, other than currently living in Plymouth, which is pretty distressing as you can probably imagine.

    How are you doing mate?

  • Thank you so much to everyone who picked up a copy yesterday and hopefully you enjoyed the issue as much as you enjoyed the game.

    Thanks also to all the volunteers who gave up their time to sell and all the writers who contributed articles to this issue.

    There are 30-odd leftover copies and these will be on sale prior to the Shrewsbury game, so if you missed out on a copy there is another chance to get one, but I’d strongly suggest getting in there early.

    Writing for The Wanderer is open to everyone and anyone, whether you’re a WWISC member or not. The next deadline for submissions will be Sunday 18th September. Please send your submissions to If you’re interested but would like to know more, please email or get in touch via Twitter (@wandererfanzine).


  • Ah, yes - the ubiquitous ‘quite’ . Quite, in response to a statement with which you agree = absolutely. Quite good = reasonably, fairly, pretty. Quite satisfactory = perfectly (though open to interpretation, as we will see). Quite unique, impossible. There are no degrees of uniqueness. I get cross when people say “we’ll help you as best we can”. ‘Best’ is a superlative and ‘as’ implies there are degrees of ‘best’. There aren’t. “We’ll do our best to help you” is fine.

    50 years ago, I had a vasectomy. The journey home was over roads that definitely weren’t as potholed as on the inward leg. (Probably could have chosen a better way of describing the journey from home to hospital.)

    To check that the procedure had been successful, you had to return to the hospital a week or so later. I’ll spare you the details but, a few days later, we received a letter saying that the result of the test was quite satisfactory. mrs micra was not reassured. To her, ‘quite’ meant ‘reasonably’, ‘fairly’ or ‘pretty’ and she was convinced that ‘precautions’ needed to continue. Of course, there weren’t going to be any further letters from the hospital so I had to stretch my powers of persuasion to the limit.

    We just have the one daughter.

    Well, you did wonder @Chris ! 🤪😟

  • @micra You can have a column in the fanzine whenever you want. Just say the word.

  • edited July 2022

    When the word quite pops up again in the future, I will think of @micra and his vasectomy. Everyday is a school day!

  • Thanks @Jonny_King. Very kind. I’ll mull it over. I don’t get to matches now so missed out on having a quick chat with you, as in the past. Having said that, I’m not sure if you made that long journey yourself yesterday.

    Is there any way you could get a copy of the current issue of The Wanderer to me? I’m sure my kind neighbour @EwanHoosaami would be happy to pick one up at Adams Park next time he’s there if one of your WWISC colleagues could leave a copy in reception.

    Many thanks, Jonny, and all the best to you and yours.

  • Another entertaining read @Jonny_King as usual.

  • @micra Unfortunately I was bringing musical delight to the people of Plymouth yesterday (not that they deserve it) so sadly no chat would have been possible anyway. We will have copies on sale before the Shrewsbury game if @EwanHoosaami is able to pick one up from the @WWISC stand? Let me know if that’s not going to be possible.

    I hope you’re keeping well and I must echo @bluntphil in that I will now never be able to hear/say/write the word ‘quite’ without mentally picturing your glorious conkers.

  • Thanks @Wendoverman , glad to hear you enjoyed it!

  • Sorry to hear that you live down there mate. I'm very well, thanks for asking.

    Will look out for a copy of the fanzine next time I get to AP.

    Would love to chat and catch up but not sure the Gasroom folk would approve of a personal convo on here! Hopefully bump into you soon at a game and I will be sure to come over and say "hello".

  • @thecatwwfc Yeah, I'd love to have a catch-up! I don't think I'm going to be able to get up for the Shrewsbury game unfortunately, but I'll let you know when I'm next coming up for a home game.

    (I'll be at Exeter, but I appreciate you might not be doing that one on a Tuesday night!)

  • Just got mine, and very good it is too, great mix of serious stuff, Jokes, news and reviews, well done on the collation and a fair few pieces no doubt Jonny.

    Not sure who Nathan Tyson upset but each to their own...

    Delighted to see several pieces reference our "Welcome" at AFC Wimbledon

  • Thanks @StrongestTeam. I must admit I wrote the piece with the Nathan Tyson insult and I really didn’t mean it to sound as bad as it did!

    I always got the impression in interviews that he maybe wasn’t the brightest, but in my haste to finish that article at about 3:40 am on the day it had to go to print, I just dashed it off without re-reading it. I was horrified by my choice of words when I read it back in print! My sincerest apologies to Nathan.

  • Jonny i live in Wells Somerset can you give me the details of where i can order it from,i know it's a different address now but i've lost it somehow,cheers mate.

  • Hiya @robin. Please email I’d suggest doing that asap, as the last few copies will sell out before the Shrewsbury game.

  • From WWISC Twitter:

    Due to the heat, we won’t be selling the @WandererFanzine before the game today. Apologies for this, we will try and sell before the Charlton match on 27th.

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