Wycombe on TV/Films
Going along with the Wycombe on TV thread from earlier but obviously not football....
Was watching episode 2 of Endeavour yesterday and was surprised to see right at the start the scene filmed at the bottom of Pheasant Drive down the hill from Downley at the weird looking flat roofed 60's houses.
Nice. Goes with Wycobme train station in World's End.
I watched an old Hammer House of Horror a couple of weeks ago, The House that Bled to Death. (Late 1970's) It all took place at a house in Chairborough Road. There also a scene filmed at a house in Loudwater (with outdoor swimming pool) that was supposed to be in Los Angeles!
On a football note, I remember some footage of Wycombe v Middlesboro being used in an episode of Eric Idle's Rutland Weekend Television
Mike Bassett football manager was filmed at AP I believe
And Mike Bassett England manager there is a shot of the high street
That was the spin off series, not the excellent film
Bottom of Amersham Hill...
I think this one is on Castle Street:

Denzil had to pick up some blow up dolls from a shop in High Wycombe in Only Fools and Horses.
Pretty certain that second video is near Frogmoor, remember the old Currys and the Great Missenden sign at the end is still there today
The Classic Norman Wisdom film the Early Bird shit the famous milk float scences in Queen st and Rectory Ave.
In the episode All Quiet on the Autofront,Arthur Daley mentions a meeting that he once had with Matt Munro in High Wycombe bus station cafe..
The 1971 film, Revenge, with Joan Collins and Ray Barrett had scenes in Gordon Road. At the end of the 70's the 5 episodes of the sitcom Bloomers, the last series that Richard Beckinsale made, was filmed in Desborough Road (including in the Desborough Arms).
Mr Beckinsale probably thought he was backing filming a scene from Porridge, when he entered the 'Desperate Arms'. Mind you there were less dodgy and unsavoury characters in the classic sitcom than used to frequent the lower public bar of the Dessie !!
Apparently Midsomer Murders is being filmed in the carpark of AP next Tuesday when the coaches for villa park will be heading to Villa.
In George and Mildred (for those that remember, if my memory serves) she tells him he's got a face like a wet Wednesday in High Wycombe
There is a film called The Hole which features the RGS (doubling up as a police station if I remember correctly)
There's an episode of Top Gear that begins in the parking lot at RGS. And there was a whole reality style tv series filmed there one summer in the early 00s...'The 1950s School' maybe?
When I was at John hampden (mid eighties) they used the scoop hall to shoot a scene for a film starring Natalie Wood, don't know what the film was though.
@Ozzie_the_Relaxed I remember Stephanie Powers spending a day in the John Hampden school hall. Would have been around then. Is my mind deceiving me?
sounds like your mind might have been deceiving you then Righty you dirty so and so!
Me or Ozzie. Screen wife or real wife of Robert Wagner. Let's see.
Natalie Wood did die in 1981.
I do remember watching the film when it came out and being amazed how long it had taken to film so few seconds of film
Also the ITV series 'The Town' was filmed in and around High Wycombe in 2012. In this trailer the fella is standing outside a house on pheasant drive in Downley at 1:28. I also think they used the florist opposite the falcon in the town centre as one of the locations.
Am j right in thinking the newer Charlie and the chocolate factory with jonny depp was filmed on the old broom and wade factory?
I think it was Natalie wood, 81 would be about right as I was there then.
The 'Waldo Moment' episode of Black Mirror had a few scenes filmed on the High Street, and the area in the Eden shopping centre between the cinema/bowling alley and the new library.
The series Match of the 70s had some of the introduction sequences with the presenter Dennis Waterman for some of the episodes filmed at Adams Park
If you include West Wycombe as a film location then according to the Milliband carved in Stone standard that is Wikipedia then:
Television programmes:
Daniel Deronda
Most Haunted
Trading Treasures
Cranford (2007)
Little Dorrit (2008)
Agatha Christie's Marple - A Pocket Full of Rye (2009)
Downton Abbey
Horrible Histories (2012)
Sense and Sensibility (2008)
Another Country (1984)
Dead Man's Folly (1986)
Labyrinth (1986)
White Hunter Black Heart (1990)
An Ideal Husband (1999)
The Importance of Being Earnest (2002)
What a Girl Wants (2003)
I Capture the Castle (2003)
The Duchess (2008)
W.E. (2011)
Austenland (2011)
X-Men: First Class (2011)
The Counselor (2012)
Belle (2013)
Summer in February (2013)
Effie Gray (2014)[1]
Mortdecai (2015)
Queen of the Desert (2015)
Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (scheduled for release in 2016)
The Hippopotamus (filming commenced August 2015;no release date scheduled)
Music Videos:
Paloma Faith - Picking Up The Pieces
Now that's just cheating.....using wiki indeed...although I did just see Most Haunted at West Wycombe caves. Also the bench in front of the sweet shop was used in a Steven Fry film but I can't recall the name.
I remember as a kid watching ATV filming a costume piece outside of The Falcon on the high street. My mum claims it was for Brideshead Revisited.
There was also an early 80s milk marketing board ad filmed in Arnison Avenue.
Wasn't the White Horse on the West Wycombe Road featured on one of those Britain's 10 hardest pubs type programmes many moons ago ?
Surely not. That was a good boozer.
The Devil Rides Out a classic Hammer horror film with Christopher Lee was filmed up West Wycombe hill i seem to remember in the 1960's.
It was (Sky 1). First date for me and my now wife, many years ago.
And no, she was not one of the strippers.
Labyrinth (1986). Starring the late David Bowie, set in a goblin city. Half the current valley end were cast as extras when growing up.