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Match day thread:Morecambe



  • Morecambe away on a Tuesday night, thank you football league.

  • it's ludicrous, and there are loads of examples across the leagues - Yeovil at York, Brighton at Huddersfield, and perhaps most ridiculous of all, Carlisle at Plymouth

  • It's almost as if the Football League are happy to write off long-distance games by playing them mid-week, in an attempt to drum up other attendances with more derby games on the weekend...

    Suits me as I only go to 3 or 4 away games at most per season, but I feel sorry for dedicated fans that make it to away games

  • I do think they purposely pick a few for some comedic value each season. Carlisle to Plymouth tonight is ludicrous. Yeovil travelling to York followed by another away game on Saturday at Luton.

    Having said that, currently en route to the seaside....

  • Looking forward to tonight, my first game since the wembley heartache.

  • As Bill alludes, there is an argument for losing the really long trips on weekdays when almost regardless of length less people are going to travel due to work commitments.

    Lets say for sake of hypothetical argument that for an away trip of 100 miles each way to Accrington , Carlisle would take 600 on a Saturday reducing to 300 on a weekday. For a 400 mile each way trip to plymouth, that number say drops to 200 on a saturday and 100 on a weekday.

    By scheduling the Accrington game on the saturday and Plymouth game on tuesday, total away attendance is (600+100) = 700. Schedule it the other way around and total attendance drops to (300+200) = 500.

    Not saying these are right numbers, just illustrating potential point.

  • but you could use completely different made up numbers to prove the exact opposite point!!!

    Vintage DevC

  • Thats why they were illustrative numbers Eric.

    almost impossible to find accurate figures, to do so would have to strip out one offs and ignore effect of expat supporters (fair to say a substantial proportion of the 200 or so Wycombe supporters at Morecambe tonight will now live relativey locally).

    But logic surely is that away attendances show correlation between weekend and weekday and also correlation between length of trip. So logically more likely to get the highest total attendance by staging the local game more were interested in on the saturday when a higher proportion of those could go and the distant game when not many wanted to go anyway on the harder day of the week.

    Are you really arguing otherwise?
    Do you have any evidence to support this?

  • I'm not arguing anything, and I have no evidence whatsoever. In that respect at least we have much in common

  • edited August 2015

  • Worrying to have lost Rowe and Stewart so early. Hopefully both are precautionary rather than anything more serious.

  • Good to see Max back in the reckoning though.

  • Any way of listening to radio coverage without player hd?

  • Brilliant - they have removed the option to login to Chairboys player via Facebook. I have reset my password and tried to log in the normal way but it doesn't work. No live commentary for me, despite paying then!

  • edited August 2015


  • @fredk3 its on 3 Counties DAB Radio, I dont have a DAB radio myself though so im not sure how you access it sorry

  • @bill_stickers it works pretty well on the app if you're using a mobile or tablet

  • @NorthumberlandBlue That's a pretty impressive photo.

  • @bill_stickers why do you need to go through Facebook (I didn't even know you could do that)? Can't you just login via the website, or like @Glenactico says using the Player app?

    edited August 2015

    1-0 Wyc Aaron pierre!

  • @Fidget @Glenactico I have only ever accessed player via my laptop, and have only ever done so via Facebook.

    I think I must have "registered" via Facebook too, which is why since the removal of the FB option, I am now unable to sign or or reset my password via the normal method.

  • Collecting too many silly yellows in this game, this will challenge us before long.

  • New anthem?

  • Clean sheet and taken the spoils. Awesome result.

  • Get in there!!! F*cking awesome! That was a nailbiting last few minutes but sounds like some heroic defending saw us out.

    Special mention to the travelling fans who sounded brilliant on the commentary - non-stop support.

    Top, top stuff from all concerned. What a time to be a Chairboy.

  • Down to second. The slide begins. I knew it was too good to be true.

  • The Wycombe support sounded immense on Chairboys Player. Credit to all the fans who traveled to Morecombe tonight.

  • Ainsworth out!

  • Joking aside, fantastic win, and well done the loony loyalists who made the trip up tonight.

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