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500 Club

Great news about the 500 club, already signed up.



  • More info HERE

  • Great news!

  • All signed up. C'mon people, lets give Gareth a chance!!

  • Over £10K given already!

  • That's me signed up. Pleased to see this re-launched, was a popular initiative before.

  • See what happens, 500 club launch , hours later we sign Bayo, so it works

  • I didn't get involved in the previous two but I'm in this time around.

  • Pitching in too.
    Also in Share Scheme which does seem to be treated as the unloved cousin at times

  • Just like Bayo, I'm signed up for another year !

  • @JohnnyAllAlone said:
    Pitching in too.
    Also in Share Scheme which does seem to be treated as the unloved cousin at times

    The Share Scheme is Wycombe Wanderers' ginger step-child.

  • Great news. Will sign up as soon as I get back from hols.

  • @drcongo said:

    The Share Scheme is Wycombe Wanderers' ginger step-child.

    I always back the underdog.

  • True supporters are always true to their club.

  • Welcome return for this as you can see where its going and that its needed.

    I'd contrast this and the work of our volunteers with the hopeful request for volunteers for Euro 2020 at Wembley when Uefa, the FA and Wembley no doubt will all coin in £m's and most tickets start around £85/90. They can f*** off.

  • @OxfordBlue said:
    I didn't get involved in the previous two but I'm in this time around.

    Good to hear @OxfordBlue. I hope there will be dozens (nay hundreds) like you.
    This is the third incarnation (it’s being re-introduced for the second time - not third as stated in the official announcement).

    More than £20,000 in less than 24 hours is a phenomenal start.

  • @micra indeed a very impressive start, especially during the off-season when minds are naturally elsewhere. When I saw the figure I initially assumed that a large chunk of early money would have come from one or two wealthy individuals chucking a wedge into the pot to get the ball rolling. But reading the detail, I can see that this is indeed all individuals signing up for the set figure. Random donations will come later. Dare we dream of a six-figure sum? Gaz must be delighted with the response so far.

  • I am probably being stupid (I normally am) but how do you pay up. The web site link only seems to direct you to the direct debit option which I don't want to do?

  • From the website...An option will shortly become available for fans to donate any sum of their choosing via World Pay, but membership to the 500 Club begins at the £20 per month rate (or a one-off contribution of £240).

    You will be able to do it as one payment "shortly"

  • @FmG - If that is correct it is ridiculous. Why can't I pay my £240 now, surely it is an advantage for the club to get the money up front.

  • @mooneyman said:
    @FmG - If that is correct it is ridiculous. Why can't I pay my £240 now, surely it is an advantage for the club to get the money up front.

    You will be able to do that very soon. We are just waiting for a new account to be set up with Worldpay as we have switched from Make A Donation who we used last time.
    Hopefully within a day or two, we will be able to accept the lump sum payments.

  • Thanks Alan for your usual prompt and helpful response. I will make the full payment as soon as the new account is set up.

  • Does seem a bit odd not to have that option available for the big launch but I'm sure that has been considered and they decided that it won't cost them in the long run.

    As for it being better for the club - I would imagine (an educated guess) the club are able to borrow a % upfront against the future monthly direct debits which people have signed up for so maybe not too much of a difference which way people pay

  • I’ve signed up and agree that it’s a good start to the initiative, but £20k equates to less than 100 people out of an average home crowd of circa 4,000-4,500 so we need to generate a lot more interest among our support.
    We all need to spread the word.

  • Do you mean 100 people buying season tickets? Pretty decent on day 1...

  • @YorkExile said:
    Do you mean 100 people buying season tickets? Pretty decent on day 1...

    You’ve puzzled me. I thought the announcement referred to “close to 100 Chairboys/guys/folk having committed to the 500 Club”.

  • 90 odd people in a day or so offering to chip in a minimum of £240 each (arround the price of a terrace season ticket) on top of ticket spending is magnificent tbh. Lets hope it goes up and that those with deeper pockets can chip in more when the technology is in place.

    I have long held the theory that a fair chunk of money spent at clubs of our size is basically a donation. As much as people talk of "investors" wanting control things we know any return on investment is a gamble and I think If I had lottery size pots of cash and thought the club was run in a way I trusted I could see how chipping in to the playing pot and leaving it to others could be as attractive as being ultimately responsible.

  • @glasshalffull said:
    I’ve signed up and agree that it’s a good start to the initiative, but £20k equates to less than 100 people out of an average home crowd of circa 4,000-4,500 so we need to generate a lot more interest among our support.
    We all need to spread the word.

    dear oh lore

  • Apologies, I was getting overexcited. I was rather foolishly thinking that the £20k raised so far was through initial contributions of £20, as opposed to the full £240 per person. Of course, of the £20k raised, 83% is merely "pledged" at this stage. My comment related to my own confusion over how Mr. @glasshalffull came to conclude that this represented less than 100 people. I now understand what he meant by that.

    As an aside (and related to my convoluted train of thought), what proportion of contributors do we think are either season ticket holders or regular attendees of home games? I suspect that there will be rather a lot of contributors that do not/cannot fall into this category, and wish to support the club in this way instead.

  • @eric_plant said:

    dear oh lore

    Please explain what you mean by ‘dear oh lore’.

  • @YorkExile said:
    Apologies, I was getting overexcited. I was rather foolishly thinking that the £20k raised so far was through initial contributions of £20, as opposed to the full £240 per person. Of course, of the £20k raised, 83% is merely "pledged" at this stage. My comment related to my own confusion over how Mr. @glasshalffull came to conclude that this represented less than 100 people. I now understand what he meant by that.

    As an aside (and related to my convoluted train of thought), what proportion of contributors do we think are either season ticket holders or regular attendees of home games? I suspect that there will be rather a lot of contributors that do not/cannot fall into this category, and wish to support the club in this way instead.

    Apologies for the confusion but as the thread title was 500 Club I didn’t specify that in my post.

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