@MFH_Blue I believe has two predictions on records. Allowing the conversion of Stevenage supporters into Wycombe fans I will take the initial total crowd prediction and the 2nd away crowd prediction.
875 Chairboys according to Stevenage web site report.
Over 100 pay on the day. Decent effort all told.
I was pleasantly surprised by those numbers, especially as 1,000 fans were already committed to the Charlton game. It does suggest (a) that there could be around a further 500 pay on the day fans at the Valley on Sunday and (b) as in our family, more and more people are happy to receive cash as a gift at Christmas or having a ticket for a match bought for them.
Hopefully, the message is finally getting across about the beautiful and exciting football Wycombe are playing these days and will be reflected in improved home gates on a more regular basis.
A lovely game to watch live and I guess live on TV too - except for Stevenage fans....
Many congratulations to @93Chairboy, Forecaster of the Week again. Not sure if it is symmetry, but is somewhat neat that a prediction of 4444 should be out by just fourteen. Anyway a very tidy prediction.
Our collective average from 35 predictions was 4342, an underestimate of 88, helped indeed to be that close by an overestimate of 1807 by Chat gpt. Everyone within the 'Blue Zone' beat the collective human average.
On this occasion Chat gpt missed by more than the furthest three human predictions added together. Please don't take this to heart @manchesterchairboy - it is not your fault - I think you are doing your best to help it.
Top Twenty for the Magnificent Away Crowd: [Actual 875]
Congratulations indeed to @a40 - absolutely spot on with a prediction of 875. As I rarely say - "It doesn't happen often". Top reasoning I reckon.
Congratulations to @our_frank who had a single digit miss with a prediction of 884.
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4475 with 850 Wycombe
4511 with 831 away
4,711 with 899 travels from afar following a guiding star
4678 with 832 Chairboys
4872 with 752 chairboys
4444 with 666
About 30 mins to go to the deadline
Average for the Total Crowd: 4338
Average for Away Crowd: 729
Reminders out there for @micra, @thecatwwfc and @James
@MFH_Blue I believe has two predictions on records. Allowing the conversion of Stevenage supporters into Wycombe fans I will take the initial total crowd prediction and the 2nd away crowd prediction.
4,500 including 750 Wycombe.
4,430 says BBC
875 Chairboys according to Stevenage web site report.
Over 100 pay on the day. Decent effort all told.
I was pleasantly surprised by those numbers, especially as 1,000 fans were already committed to the Charlton game. It does suggest (a) that there could be around a further 500 pay on the day fans at the Valley on Sunday and (b) as in our family, more and more people are happy to receive cash as a gift at Christmas or having a ticket for a match bought for them.
Hopefully, the message is finally getting across about the beautiful and exciting football Wycombe are playing these days and will be reflected in improved home gates on a more regular basis.
Top Twenty for the Total Crowd: [Actual 4430]
A lovely game to watch live and I guess live on TV too - except for Stevenage fans....
Many congratulations to @93Chairboy, Forecaster of the Week again. Not sure if it is symmetry, but is somewhat neat that a prediction of 4444 should be out by just fourteen. Anyway a very tidy prediction.
Congratulations to @Commoner; @NewburyWanderer; @robin; @micra; @DevC and @PJS, all of whom were within one hundred.
Our collective average from 35 predictions was 4342, an underestimate of 88, helped indeed to be that close by an overestimate of 1807 by Chat gpt. Everyone within the 'Blue Zone' beat the collective human average.
On this occasion Chat gpt missed by more than the furthest three human predictions added together. Please don't take this to heart @manchesterchairboy - it is not your fault - I think you are doing your best to help it.
Top Twenty for the Magnificent Away Crowd: [Actual 875]
Congratulations indeed to @a40 - absolutely spot on with a prediction of 875. As I rarely say - "It doesn't happen often". Top reasoning I reckon.
Congratulations to @our_frank who had a single digit miss with a prediction of 884.
Congratulations also to @perfidious_albion; @Commoner ; @Onlooker; @PJS; @robin and @wwfcblue who were all within 5% - [43.75]
A special mention for the two who converted Stevenage fans to Wycombe fans before the game - you both appeared in the top twenty of this table.
Our collectiveaverage was 730 - out by 145.
Chat gpt was ok on this measure - just outside the top twenty in 22nd position with a prediction of 642.
Top Twenty for the Home Crowd: [Calculated as 3555]
Congratulations to @williwycombe, close to number, (at least for the first seventy odd minutes after kick off, missing that by just six.
Congratulations to @bookertease; @robin;@mooneyman;@Forest_Blue;@Manboobs;@LDF; @Commoner; @Alexo and @Mandown who were all within one hundred, although nobody else had a single digit miss.
Probably a fair few alterations on the Tour de Season Leaderboard as there were more than a handful of close predictions for the total crowd.