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Who remembers the infamous parachute display at AP?

Following on from the excellent post re; Lionel Ritchie, who remembers the parachute display?

It was on a rather damp Saturday afternoon and the wind conditions were far from perfect. It was in the days of Martin O'Neil and Mark Austin was the Commercial manager responsible for organising the event.

The jump was to take place during half time but the controller on the ground was worried about the cross wind and asked Mark to delay. Suddenly a rather irate Martin appeared on the pitch and started wagging his finger at Mark and shouting "get those bloody parachutists down now".
Mark who by now was pretty much under pressure from all corners, encouraged the controller to get on with it.
The parachutists were told to jump and I can remember them hitting the stands and some landing way off target.

I will never forget Martin and his finger pointing, it was hilarious if somewhat dangerous. I do not remember anyone getting badly injured though.


  • I could be wrong but I seem to remember Martin pulling the parachute with man attached from the pitch.

  • One (or perhaps two) went into the trees. It was quite windy and the jump should probably not have taken place.

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