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David Wheeler on football’s fossil fuel deals

David Wheeler in today’s Observer talking about fossil fuel sponsorship deals.

I like that he’s referenced the ‘stick to football’ brigade too.



  • Great to find one of our players writing so eloquently in a national newspaper.

  • Haven’t exactly rushed to this thread in eager anticipation but totally agree with @PeterLerner.

  • I shall ready myself for a deluge of disapproval. I disagree wholeheartedly with David Wheeler's views on the impending catastrophe that is "climate change". I find most people who promote green issues are ignorant of some very basic facts. In the lead up to the General Election I was enjoying a few jars in a local pub garden when up rocked the Climate Party following an afternoon of campaigning. With a little cider infused bravado I approached one it's members for a friendly chat about a topic in which they are experts. Or so I thought. I opened with my trick question " how much more CO2 is in the air than argon?" After offering up various multiples as the answer I informed her that argon was in fact about 23 times MORE abundant than the dangerous carbon dioxide. "You can tell me how much nitrogen and oxygen there is, though? " Not a clue. It's frightening the obsession there is with this single gas CO2. It's a dirty pollutant they say. No, it's colourless and ask a plant if it's polluting them. Other trivia I asked - considering the earth's average temperature has increased by a degree or two over the last few decades would it then not be a surprise to find out that the highest ever recorded temperature was a full 70 years before the lowest? The earth hasn't experienced a hotter day than the scorcher of 1913. Most strange. I'm sure statisticians would say that's odd too. It could depend where the weather stations are erected and which ones are included in official data. One of my sources of information is from a guy called Patrick Moore ( not the great astronomer) but a founder of Greenpeace. I have watched many of his videos on the climate debate and find his side of the argument logical, obvious, truthful and reiterating everything I was taught at school. He may be wrong. Therefore, I may be wrong. My contribution to the crisis is one eight billionth of four percent of 0.04%. That'll be a lorra lorra noughts so I know I can sleep easy. I'm off to hide now.

  • I hate strangers who approach me for a friendly chat in a boozer out of the blue demanding answers to their questions. It never ends well.

  • Holy shit.

  • Aside from the contents of the post, the lack of paragraphing made it pretty hard work.

    Knowing relative concentrations of gasses in the atmosphere is hardly relevant. The knowledge that carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas has been known since the 1850s, the evidence that belching tonnes and tonnes of it into the atmosphere has a damaging effect is unavoidable. Patrick Moore (not the avuncular Gamesmaster of my youth) continues to contend that climate change is something that can be adapted to despite increasing evidence that it will lead to the breakdown of established weather patterns, and by extension the ecosystems that built up around these.

    It is amusing that the gold standard for climate science isn't evidence-based peer-reviewed academic works produced and corroborated by reams of the latest scientific evidence, but rather what was taught in British schools 30+ years ago (assuming you're at least as long in the tooth as I am).

    The contention that the hottest ever day was in 1913 is a good example of not seeing the wood for the trees. This was when the highest ever air temperature recorded at any one spot (56C in Death Valley, California), however the weather being hot in specific places isn't a issue, the real issue is when it is sustained over long periods of time all over the world and affects weather systems..

    As the good doctor said, the hottest day globally (i.e., average air temperature around the world) was earlier this year, following the record being broken for days in a row previous to that. That is far more worrying as the heating of seas and oceans, and the melting of ice caps will eventually heavily disrupt jet streams, thus completely upturning weather patterns established over centuries and millennia.

    To keep this related to Wycombe Wanderers, it is extremely bad news that the collapse of the jet stream will usher in very cold winters and potentially cause crops to fail, but it does make the decision to install undersoil heating when the unlamented egg-chasers stank the place out rather prescient. It's an ill wind that blows no good, but the lack of one may be worse.

  • I'm not denying the earth is experiencing a slightly warmer period. CO2 increase then overwhelmingly comes from its release from warmer seas. The current temperatures and CO2 levels are at one of the all time lows in our planet's evolution. I'm sure we could both produce evidence to support our points of view. Our data using thermometers only goes back a few hundred years which is a blink of an eye in earth's life. But, I will maintain that man's emissions are both negligible and does not cause harm. Differing views i accept. @Wendoverman I was most courteous and indeed the leader of the party, Ed offered me a lift home. Probably to get shot of me.

  • When you realise that the current fad for climate alarm is really class war in disguise it all makes more sense.

  • edited December 2024

    Mankind has been violent for the entirety of its existence. There are more human occupants on this planet than ever before. Wealth distribution is more unequal than 100 years ago. Finite resources are far less abundant than 100 years ago. The obvious answer to the climate issue is that it will age into irrelevancy - the world will be bombed by violent leaders trying to acquire growingly finite resource. CO2 production won’t matter one bit in 100 years. Humans won’t exist in 100 years. I’m off to hide.

  • the world will be bombed by violent leaders trying to acquire growingly finite resource

    On the same day we go into the Premier League via the playoffs....

  • When weather changes cause havoc, ice caps melt and overwhelming research over decades by eminent scientists does my head in...I produce the evidence that Nigel 'Fat Chancellor' Lawson, Nigel 'I'll say what you like for a grand' Farage and Jeremy 'I like driving cars ' Clarkson think it's all bollocks.

    And don't get me and Le Tiss started on them vaccines...

  • As an aside, how many of you knew that avuncular gamesmaster and Sky at Night stalwart Patrick Moore used to be the chairman of a niche British fascist / anti-immigration party?

  • I did know that though didn't mention it in case someone popped up to accuse me of discrimination against Patrick Moores and derail a thread on the Gasroom for the first time ever.

  • A fascist with a monocle just doesn't feel right

  • I see your Patrick Moore and raise you Ricky Tomlinson being in the National Front.

  • edited December 2024

    Patrick Moore was also a county standard chess player, and back in the 1980s I played against him in a Sussex v Bucks league match.

  • Played cricket for Selsey too

  • edited December 2024

    For a year before becoming a lefty union member. Don't think he was ever chairman.

    (I think Suggs was in the NF as well, for a period, wasn't he? These young people with time on their hands.)

    Besides counting tap dancers and measuring moustaches, The McWhirter brothers of Record Breakers were right-wing agitators as well, weren't they?

  • I thought i'd seen the best satirical post in gasroom history. Something that wendo probably fantastises about being about to construct.

    Then read on to discover it was actually someone's actual legit opinion!

  • Of course the graph is somewhat misleading. A clever use of colour and selective scales on the axes can give the impression of doom through the plotting of steep gradients. The use of blue to denote cold and red to indicate heat is just a sly presentation technique. How about show one where the scale on the y axis is the actual average temperature? Top of the scale can be say +45°c and the bottom say - 15°c and in the middle it'll be +15°c. That's where you currently have your 0°c. The line would hardly deviate from the x axis, unlike your carefully crafted mountain terrain.

  • Now I know it’s a windup.

  • Yes, the graph should be flat, just like the earth is.

  • Another saddo burying his head in the sand. Haven't you noticed the record high temperatures around the world, storms, excessive rain etc. Open your eyes.

  • I don't think we need to call @RuyLopez a saddo, but maybe some help understanding global surface temperature, deviation from the mean, and how that differs from localised hotspots could be useful. The source of the above graph could be helpful:

  • I have had conversations in a pub like this...

  • I want to hear more from Ruy.

    Thoughts on covid.

    Thoughts on whether the world is flat.

    Thoughts on whether the USA election was "stolen".

    Basically I just want to check Donald Tump isn't posting on the gasroom.

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