Attendance Prediction - Crawley (h) - Sat 5th Oc '24 - Match 9 in 24/25
It is a shame that the crowds do not go up quickly when we are playing so well but I will start the ball rolling on this thread with
4278 total with 328 from Crawley.
It is a shame that the crowds do not go up quickly when we are playing so well but I will start the ball rolling on this thread with
4278 total with 328 from Crawley.
4200 with 300
4321 including 321 Crawley
4036 with 289, thanks!
4333 including 333 red devils
4631 including 412 away.
4444 with 335
4192 with 291 please
4,500 with 320 from Crawley
4,750 including 375 from Crawley.
4444 with 444
4356 with 305 from Crawley please
4567 with 345 away
Twelve predictions on the record on Friday morning.
Average for the Total Crowd: 4373
Average for Away Crowd: 337
So we reckon at the moment 4036 for the home crowd.
3939 with 393
4250 with 350 Red Devils
3,930 with 230 away.
4,007 with 328 away
4,545 with 366 away pleass
4,215 including 308 away
A not very optimistic 4,290 including 377 from Gatwick's shadow.
4,621 with 385 away
4536 with 320 from West Sussex.
4,058 with 271 most welcome visitors from West Sussex.
4889 with 315 away
4523 with 221 away for me
3,925 with 280 away.
4308 with 332
27 predictions on record so far -
Average for the Total Crowd: 4336
Average for Away Crowd: 328
3939 with 282 visitors
4192 with 212 away