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Attendance Prediction - Cambridge (a) - Sat 21st Sept '24 - Match 6 in 24/25



  • 4432 with 397 U’s.

  • 4375 with 425 Cambridge

  • 4,400 (400 away)

  • I was hoping to hitch my wagon to @Onlooker but they’ve not pitched up yet so:

    4321 including 543 in the amber and black.

  • 4,189 with 421 away is the number - very poor again.

  • Top Twenty for the Total Attendance: [Actual 4189]

    Many congratulations to @robin and @Shev - Joint Forecasters of the Week for the Cambridge competition. Both 35 awa jy from the actual attendance but in opposite directions. y

    Congratulations to @DevC and @DJWYC14 who were the only other forecasters within a hundred. However there were quite a lot - seven - in the important 100 to 200 range and a few more only just outside that range.

    Our average prediction for 30 entries was 4497 - out by 308 - and everyone in the table above did better than we all did collectively with the exception of myself and @MFH_Blue. We did rather overestimate the crowd

    Top Twenty for the Away Crowd: [Actual 421]

    Very many congratulations to @ryan_w_kirkby2 for a quite rare spot on prediction. Take a bow Sir.

    Congratulations also to @Commoner and @MFH_Blue who were only out by single figures. Congratulations also to all of @thecatwwfc; @DJWYC14; @mooneyman; @perfidious_albion; @robin; @bookertease; @Erroll_Sims; @a40; @LDF and @Onlooker who were all at 5% of the 421 total - that is 21 or closer.

    Top Twenty for the Home Crowd: [Calculated 3768]

    Many congratulations to @micra - top of the shop and out by just ten. Congratulations to @DevC; @robin; @NewburyWanderer: @DJWYC14 and @Shev who were all within one hundred.

  • How appropriate and delightful that @Shev should have topped the total attendance table whilst on a rare visit from the States.

    Sadly, I’m no longer able to get to matches so I missed the post match get together but I was there in spirit and it’s a happy coincidence that I topped the home attendance table.

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