Bring back big Roger Johnson
Thirty two years of age and maybe it is time to come home for his last two/ three years. He would have earned big money but just getting a three year contract back at his old club may sway it.
I am sure Gaz could get the best out of big Rog and he could be superb for us right now and help to further improve Pierre.
Would love to see this happen would be a hell of a coup
having made big money why spend a couple of years getting kicked about in the lower leagues, look what happened to the Doc, Rog will be propping up a bar in Pueto Banus.
We still need one more CB but I can't see it being Rog.
It's debateable whether he'd be a good role model for younger players - hasn't always been the most popular player at the clubs he's been to (inc. WWFC if a 3rd-hand anecdote about a bust-up with Tommy Mooney is anything to go by!). The unprofessional way RJ ran down his contract at Wolves would surely ring alarm bells for any manager, nevermind the beancounters.
@ReadingMarginalista prepare to elaborate further on your comment "the unprofessional way RJ ran down his contract at Wolves..."
It is my understanding he took pay cuts as part of deals to go out on loan elsewhere. Not his fault Wolves overpaid him in first place!
There was speculation that Johnson gave up money to have one last crack at the Premier League with West Ham. I don't think anyone outside the people involved know if it is true.
It was widely reported that he turned down at least one (and possibly multiple) free transfer opportunities when Wolves were relegated to league 1 as it meant taking a substantial pay cut.
Saying this, I would welcome Roger back to the club. He would be a great addition at the right price.
Of course, Wolves could have saved themselves a ton of cash by subsidising his wages whilst he played elsewhere, instead of trying to shame him into redressing their mistake. He was right to wait it out, if you ask me.
To be fair, if I had a watertight contract promising to pay me say £2m per year for three years, money that will secure me and my family financially for the rest of my life plus enable me to help out say my parents and immediate family and i had the choice to walk away from that for a one year contract paying say £500k per year with no guarentee at the end of that and who knows I might get injured and never get another contract, then that really wouldnt be a hard decision to make.
Never forget at the end of the day footballers are just people making a living.
And believe it or not DevC, some of them have feelings.
@Midlander I appreciate you're more in the loop with goings on in that part of world, my general impression was from his comments to the media (alluded to by @StrongestTeam ) and my better some of half's family who support Wolves is that he didn't seem like he was interested in getting back in the Wolves team. I appreciate that my perception of things may be off the mark, but from what I what can gather he doesn't seem like a model professional.
PS - that'll be my last use of the word 'professional' for the weekend!
Go to 2 minutes 15 seconds - regarding conversation above
Boo hoo, how awful for Wolves. They agreed a contract with someone, and they stuck it out for the full duration. How awfully unfair.
I think the issue, according to Wolves at the time, was about the players supposed lack of professional conduct and turning up for a training session "unfit to train properly" - read into that what you will. If he had/has problems off the pitch I hope he was able to access support
If his conduct was unprofessional enough, they would have had grounds to breach the contract.
Ive heard the knockout story, 2nd hand via a player
who witnessed it.
A certain self proclaimed hardman, being knocked out sparko by a balding
striker during training after one brag to many.
A mate of mine who supports Wolves told me that Johnson turned up pissed for training, at least that was the rumour among Wolves fans.
Agreed - I hope Bournemouth are sensible and don't break the bank this season also
Not worth turning to this guy even if he was available. Reminded me of a poor mans John Terry - that's not a negative for him by the way!