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Dev Squad PR Spin



  • And I suppose at the end of the day it doesn't really matter how we categorise them, as long as we bring young players in, they develop and either become a strong player for us, and / or move on for a decent fee down the line.

  • Absolutely @Malone

  • Imagining Forino, Mehmeti and Kone in the same team underlines how well we have done!

  • The dream is that an academy supplies most of our players and we don't need to pay fees or bring many in from elsewhere.

    Probably slightly too early to say this though!

  • Met one of them in Portugal many years ago. Seemed really pleased that I was a big fan of Back in the DHSS and Back Again in the DHSS.

    🎵 My uncle Charlie is a cynical man… 🎵

  • Yeah, this is all BS, do the original post again with how many appearances those players and other Dev teamers made on low wages over the last couple of years, and make sure you include all of the BSM matches as we enjoyed our little day out at Wembley and the cash the whole run provided. While we're talking cash add in the record fee for Mehmeti and the 50% sell on fee for AAH (from afcw sources not WWFC), that wasn't requested instead of a fee (or paid) by mistake, they agreed to give him a run in the first team right away and he delivered.

    It's about showing some interest in development too and having a place and a plan for someone who isn't ready on day 1. Dobbo said back in the day with the tiny budget anyone who came in needed to play asap or they were taking up limited funds and space. Without that intent and early results with limited spend you also probably don't get the new owner offering to pay for a full academy.

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