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Matt's Coaching Badges

edited June 7 in Football

The club has shown that Matt has been doing his UEFA Pro Licence and was awarded with it this week.

Below is all of the coaches that got the award alongside him. Well Done to Matt and everyone involved!

I've been trying to see who I recognise and is that Sean Dyche on the back row with Leighton Baines not too far away from him?


  • It does look like Sean Dyche, and he was the only one I could pick out. Brilliant that Matt has gone for this level of coaching. He is a great combination of intellect, humility and passion. After what he no doubt learned last season I think we are very well equipped going forward.

  • He's made some good contacts there as well... Mehmet Ali (front and centre in the blue shirt) being one that should benefit us in the future. He's currently Arsenal U21s Head Coach.

  • Leighton Baines (Go right by 4 people from Sean Dyche) is also the Head Coach of Everton's U21's

  • Does this mean we're all good for when we reach the Champions League in a few years?

  • We’ll done to Matt. A fitting end to a decent year. Sean Dyche was the guest speaker so not a graduate. Matt can now manage at Champions League level so let’s see how he gets on.

  • Joey Barton also got his badge this week but it looks like he isn't in the photo. Too busy tweeting or something.

  • Well done Matt - you have worked very hard and deserve a lot of credit.

  • Spurs ladies Senior Assistant Head Coach Vicky Jepson stood next to Matt

  • front row light shirt Chelsea U18 head coach Hassan Sulaiman

  • full list

    Mehmet Ali (Arsenal U21)

    Will Antwi (England U15)

    Leighton Baines (Everton U18)

    Ian Bateman (FA youth coach)

    Matthew Beard (Liverpool Women)

    Matt Bloomfield (Wycombe Wanderers)

    Kelsey Byrne (Women's National Coach Developer, FA)

    Jody Cauldwell (Nottingham Forest)

    Micah Hyde (QPR U18)

    Mark Jackson (Central Coast Mariners, Australia)

    Victoria Jepson (Tottenham Hotspur Women)

    Bernardo Martinez

    Kalam Mooniaruck (West Ham United)

    Alex Morris (Stoke City U21)

    Louise Newstead (PFA)

    Carl Plunkett (Reading)

    Marink Reedijk (RSCA Futures, Belgium)

    Mike Scott (Wolverhampton Wanderers)

    Michael Skubala (Lincoln City)

    Hassan Sulaiman (Chelsea U18)

    Yaya Toure (Saudi Arabia)

    Pete Wild

    Ben Wilkinson (Manchester City U18)

  • been a slow day

  • So is that Will Antwi in the back row? He must have played with Bloomfield at Wycombe years ago.

  • Excellent piece of work, @crabbie.

    The manager so many were still disparaging less than six months ago confidently facing the camera amongst some pretty august company.

  • Good for Will Antwi! Somehow it’s always nice to know these guys are still in football.

  • I remember Will Antwi very fondly, but he was too rarely fit in his time with us, it always seemed.

  • Thanks for this! Can anyone tell me the license levels off hand? Is Matt now at a level above a lot of EFL managers, or is this a pretty standard progression?

  • Ah, Google is my friend.

  • Sounds like a proper racket doesn't it.

  • Yaya Touré could be an interesting manager. Brilliant player, but sad he's working in Saudia Arabia particularly as he is already reputably worth over 75m dollars

  • I did catch a peek at some of the questions, and they seem quite rigorous.

    Section C - Post Match Interviews

    Q34: You have just lost 8-0 with 12% possession and did not get out of your own half. What do you say?

    a) "We were awful."

    b) "The other team deserved to win."

    c) "We had some very good moments, I thought, and the early decision to give them a corner might have led to a different game if we had been awarded a goal kick. It's easy to look at it and say we lost 8-0, but at 3-0 down, that corner came early enough to where we could have turned the game around. We are just asking for consistency in refereeing decisions."

    Q43: Your player was sent off for karate chopping an opponent in the neck and stealing his car. What do you say?

    a) "It is unacceptable, and we will be terminating his contract."

    b) "We definitely agree with the decision and will abide by it."

    c) "I didn't see the incident, and we will have a look later, but in these situations it is important to ask whether it was hand-to-neck or neck-to-hand. If the latter, we have a case that the striker actually tried to injure my player's hand. Same with the car - was it hand-to-keys or keys-to-hand? We will definitely be looking at whether to appeal."

    Q68: You have just lost to Wycombe Wanderers, deservedly, but you are a bigger club with a massive stadium. What do you say?

    a) "I hold my hands up - we were not good enough."

    b) "Wycombe were surprisingly good, so full credit to them for the win."

    c) "We knew what we were going to get. You have to be streetwise coming here, as you know they play a certain way, and will engage in certain behaviours like trying to put the ball in the net more than you. We were by far the better team, and our stadium has a capacity of over 20,000."

  • Q43 must refer to Mr Barton

  • edited June 7

    @Shev you forgot the Steve Evans option for all of the those

    d) I thought the referee was really poor out there today. There were some calls he was making that no one in the ground could understand

  • So Matt B will be able to carry on managing the Blues in the Premier League.

  • Just noticed @flymofrank must be having a well earned break from the Gasroom.

    Hope all is well.

  • He was a terrific player. Would have had a great career if he remained fit for longer.

  • Barton would answer most questions with 'Where's the bloke love? Go on go and get the bloke love. Two sugars'

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