Agents fees
According to this we paid out circa- £214k in agents fees in the last 2 transfer windows. Puts us 12th in L1.
Doesn't seem so long ago we didn't pay a single penny to agents.
Good to see Derby being financially prudent after their recent past. Top of the agents spending by some distance.
I'm sure someone at Fleetwood feels they got good value for their £396k.
How the hell can Reading justify £397k fees?
In the Championship, Watford spent £4.693,000 on zgents fees and Leeds the eye watering sum of £13,287,000!
Oh God, I can hear the bedsheets getting unfolded again.
I'm surprised* we haven't had another delegation come over with a load of soiled bedsheets daubed with slogans like "SoRRy wE ALL jUMPeD tO CONcluSIOnS", or "We behAVed lIkE a buNCh oF sPOiled ToDDlers basED oN NOtHING bUT InterNET rUmoUrs wHich hAVe nOw beEN ProVen InCORRecT, wE SiNceREly aPolOgiSe FOR dragGinG your ClUB'S Name Through tHE MUD pURELY DUe to OUR owN pooR imPulSe CoNtRoL"
* I'm not surprised