I generally only stick to upvotes/thumbs but did go through a stage of down voting every one of Trevor & his various alter-ego posts just because the man was being such a tedious dick, to be fair in hindsight whilst it was mildly cathartic it really didn't make me feel that good about myself.
If I disagree with someone I will usually post to explain why rather than downvote...
Had my grandson staying for Easter. Isn’t ‘Hickory Dickery Doc’ a strange nursery rhyme!
Thanks @drcongo for the explanations
I generally only stick to upvotes/thumbs but did go through a stage of down voting every one of Trevor & his various alter-ego posts just because the man was being such a tedious dick, to be fair in hindsight whilst it was mildly cathartic it really didn't make me feel that good about myself.
If I disagree with someone I will usually post to explain why rather than downvote...
"Working out who thumbed what...."
"Thumb away to your hearts content"
Top level Gasroom 🤣
Post of the Year. And not just for length. Length isn’t everything.