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Man of the Match - Port Vale (H)


  1. MOTM60 votes
    1. Stryjek
    2. Grimmer
    3. Forino
    4. Low
    5. Boyes
    6. Scowen
    7. Leahy
    8. Phillips
    9. Sadlier
    10. McCleary
    11. Vokes
    12. L. Taylor (sub)
    13. D. Taylor (sub)
    14. Wheeler (sub)


  • McCleary for me. Finally back in his proper position having been shoe-horned into various roles because of the 3 at the back system. He gave us a dangerous attacking outlet all game and his run and cross for the goal was excellent,

    Josh Scowen excellent too but I think he might have been culpable on the PV goal. He seemed to dither when there was a chance to get his body goal-side or possibly make a clearance. Although need to see again.

  • One of McCleary’s best performances this season.

  • Normal service resumed for me - Scowen - although I didn’t see whether he was at fault for the PV goal.

    He was largely why we were so dominant in midfield for long spells.

    Can certainly see the argument for GMac though.

  • edited December 2023

    Really pleased to see Sadlier score and show more of what he can do. The cross from McCleary was a thing of beauty and put it on a plate. Forino was imperious and made a tackle as good as any goal.

    All that said, it was Scowen. Of course it was.

  • good performers today - Scowen, Sadlier, GMac, Phillips

    above average - Vokes, Low, Forino, Boyes, Leahy

    average - Grimmer, Max, Wheeler, D Taylor

    below average - L Taylor (too slow/not up to match speed yet & too keen to fall to the floor for no obvious reason)

  • edited December 2023

    Thought Forino was motm today personally. I’m the odd one out!

    Edit - should add that I thought scowen was excellent

  • edited December 2023

    McCleary for me. That frisson of excitement, expectation and hope every time he got the ball (up until we went ahead anyway).

    Forino is an interesting choice. I thought first half their no. 9 had the beating of him every time but not sure what happened but second half I can’t recall their 9 winning anything.

    Also what a difference Vokes makes to the team.

    Lyle Taylor is also a bit of a quandary. He clearly knows what to do and has the footballing intelligence to attempt it. His body (at the moment) doesn’t seem to be keeping ip with him however.

    (But I should add that Scowen is an entirely legitimate MoM on any scale as he is just a sensational player for us week in week out. Even if he (and was it Leahy - also good today - as well) who thinks it is a good idea to side foot a goal attempt through a dozen people in the penalty area).

  • Went for Sadlier as I thought even before the goal he was getting in good attacking positions and offering a threat. Agree that was GMac's best game this season and great to see Vokes back causing bother. Scowen was the usual but I cannot vote for him every week!

  • Thought most of the squad that played today were good. As I vote for Scowen most weeks, I will vote for Sadlier. 🤷‍♂️

  • Voted Sadlier, glad to see Scowen getting plenty of votes too.

  • G Mac..had their left back on toast!

  • edited December 2023

    Scowen also fantastic..what a player we have, so lucky.

  • Sadlier for me. Showed a great assurance.

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