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  • Good news….we’re missing him.

  • The classy sort of move we've come to expect from the great club of ours.

  • Well done to all involved!

    I would also like to say that I admired Hanlan's response to missing out on what was probably a dream move to Wrexham. Instead of pouting, he played his heart out.

    Everyone needs a little Mustard sometimes!

  • I love our club. Totally the right thing to do and I had little doubt that Matt would be pushing to do exactly the right thing by Brandon.

  • edited December 2023

    Prepared for down votes.

    This certainly feels like a ‘nice guy’ move in the same way extending Bloomfield’s contract was, as well as the identical approach taken with Freeman’s injury. Both of those moves have (in my mind) proven to be suboptimal, so it’s interesting (or rather stupid) for us to continue in the same vein. Nice clubs may well finish last - or at least slightly above the relegation zone in our likely case.

    I’m sure there’s a bigger picture to this. Rob is showing some decency to top professionals before the inevitable sale of our club. We know Rob admires those who show unwavering professionalism - I’m hinting at the way he talks of Darius Charles. I’m not surprised to see us extend Brandon’s contract.

    Back to the narrow minded pub chat response I began with. Whilst I haven’t thought much of Hanlan as a player, it’s undeniable that we have looked much worse since his injury. I’m not sure how much of that stems from us missing him. I would guess not much, but I really hope I’m wrong, as I think Hanlan is a really nice bloke and, in other areas of society, his professionalism should be rewarded. In football, I’m just not sure it will pan out as nice as we hope. It’s cut throat. And we’re not. I admire that. But I don’t think it will get us results. I’m not sure how much players’ agents value our ‘corporate social responsibility’.

  • Brandon as proved that he is of value, so extending his contract is a no brainer really.

  • I actually would rather take care of players who picked up terrible injuries while on duty with us, than cut them loose when they are just out of rehab. On a human level, it is such a decent thing to do, and transcends the game itself, in my book.

  • This sort of thing makes me very happy to be a Wycombe supporter. We're a family and we look after each other

  • Quite agree, @Shev. And I think Nick Freeman has demonstrated since his successful move to Stevenage that the contract extension offered to him in the immediate wake of his ACL injury was fully justified, even if he didn’t get the amount of playing time when he recovered that some of us would have hoped.

  • If the choice is between being empathic humans and winning games, I'd pick the former.

  • Nice to see that after he refused to play earlier in the season, we've looked past that and given him an extension. I wasn't a huge fan, but given how poor we've been attacking recently, shows that he added something we've missed

  • I’ve posted before that it isn’t even selfless altruism to treat players well - if you do so then other players will be more inclined to sign in the future.

  • In an industry where you're one injury away from losing your profession I'd imagine this approach is a useful recruiting tool.

    In any employer, you're looking at the whole package, not just the salary.

    It isn't just a case of us being 'nice'.

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