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Drum is back!



  • I think the best way to resolve all this is to bin the drum and get a Mariachi band. We've got at least one Mexican supporter so he can probably drum something up. Whoops.

  • You’re a season too late.

  • As someone at the end of the terrace where Tom was sent to, I can confirm that his language and incessant chanting was very annoying. In fact there were a number of occasions when people I had not seen at matches before were clearly very taken aback by him and his young acolytes. Some I never saw again. If this policy means he can take his turn with the drum and control himself then all to the good. If it does not then unfortunately more firm action will be needed. He actually was quite a damper on the atmosphere, impacting the lower rows in the stand as well as the terrace.

  • I think it very appropriate that the 1887 are going to purchase an 'Our House, Our Rules' banner, as it sums up the situation quite well.

  • Boom Boom

  • From the overlooking stand it just sounds like he's singing the same harmless droning songs about aly aly aly oh...and wycombe til he dies etc.

    Is the language in the chanting then? Or aimed at others around?

    Every game stewards seem to hover over that area, never quite sure why.

  • Not a Terrace dweller or lover of the drums, but just the year or so of comments on the Gasroom prove what a tricky issue this has been for Club, fans and that Drummer. Hopefully some sort of solution is close.

  • Twice last season at away games, myself and friends were stood watching the start of the game, when said person came in late, accompanied by home stewards, both times he decided to stand right in front of us (literally row in front) stood facing us (as he doesn't watch the game away from home) and proceeded to start smashing the crap out of his drum ! First time we just moved, why should we ? But we did, he didn't care. 2nd time I just without thinking said out loud "oh bloody hell, really ?!" To which he responded "f##k off you c##t, and started swearing at all. I'm in my 50's, didn't appreciate it, don't like him turning up to games now, for me he ruins it and I know others think the same.



  • Shame about the 'no other instruments' policy, though. I was looking forward to bringing my theremin.

  • I think medical treatments are still ok

  • Dreadful stuff. Assume a bit too much booze was consumed.

    Shrewsbury away was odd. He had a pal with him, whom he let do the drum the whole second half. He barely looked at the pitch instead staring at the drum from close range seemingly mesmerised.

    Fused with storming up and down the seating getting into random people's faces imploring them to sing up.

  • Rather see a Bobby Wellins style saxophonist in the corner of the terrace, especially after a hard fought draw to soundtrack people’s post match considerations.

  • also put paid to my plans to set up my TB-303 and TR-808 in the Frank Adams

  • edited July 2023

    We could do with some Seinfeld slap bass on those rare occasions we concede a goal/miss a penalty.

    Penalty awarded- The Mariachi band belt out La Cucaracha. Theremin kicks in to shit the keeper up as the penalty is taken He saves-slap bass. We score-Cubik on an 808 synth.

    This must happen

  • I still don’t understand why half a dozen other people in the terrace can’t outsing one profane dummer without a drum.

  • Do you think they might turn a blind eye if we got the Barmy Army trumpeter?

  • edited July 2023

    As I said on Facebook this morning, it’s a shame Jonny King (editor of The Wanderer) doesn’t live nearer. A drummer in the Royal Marines in Plymouth who gets to as many games at Adams Park as he can. He’d be a star turn and no mistake.

    if you’re reading this @Jonny_King, you’ve probably guessed I’m tongue in cheek and I hope I haven’t misrepresented your occupational status but the idea of having someone who really knew what he (or she) was doing seemed very appealing.

  • Honestly, if I’d been in your shoes when he responded with that I’d have decked him. I probably would have been escorted out but I’d have took it for the team.

  • Or the theory that bringing a drum in will suddenly encourage 90mins of wall to wall chanting.

  • edited July 2023

    Tbh, 10-15 years ago I probably would have ! But I guess being a bit older now, finally trying to act my age, which she's been telling me to for years. Plus I didn't really want to get thrown out, possibly arrested and have to go home and explain the whole episode.

    I stood and watched him do exactly the same to another group of people at Charlton, and I'm amazed he didn't get put on his backside as they were all younger and obviously had a few drinks. Unfortunately, it will probably happen one day.

  • Or if he does have the drum, why doesn't someone steal his sticks?

  • Oh god, does my head in haha

  • It might give us some different songs to chant / sing! The fact that he got the whole of Headingley singing "Livin on a Prayer" when England were half-way to the total takes some doing!

  • That has happened before.

  • @YorkshireBlue May I reprint this in the next fanzine please? (Credited, obviously)

  • DRUMMER?! You’ve demoted me Mike! 😉

    You’re otherwise correct about my shameful Plymouth lifestyle. I play the trumpet and used to take a cornet to games in the mid-2000’s when my friend Adam used to sometimes be on the drum, but I got the sense people weren’t really into it so stopped.

    I’m very much in favour of this announcement and would hope the previous guy (Paul Brazier) will now be able to resume drumming duties, as he was very competent and always read the crowd well. I would prefer not to drum myself, but am very much looking forward to joining in with the newly-formed 1887 group.

    Hope you’re keeping well @micra. Will I see you at the Exeter game?

  • Of course

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