Too early for me. Went to one in 75/76. Dennis Waterman was THE big star and stayed behind to sign autographs behind the main stand long after the game. And back then Dennis Waterman was a huge star kids, forget your Justin Biebers this guy was A list (well in my eyes anyway).
Was struggling to find something to watch couple of week ago, so was flicking through the channels and Minder was on ! Ended up watching that, still watchable today
"There was talk of David 'Diddy' Hamilton, and one of the Goodies..."
"...and Jimmy Tarbrush"
"Buck, Sir"
Ah yes, Buck Tarbrush"
('Porridge' movie, 1979)
Too early for me. Went to one in 75/76. Dennis Waterman was THE big star and stayed behind to sign autographs behind the main stand long after the game. And back then Dennis Waterman was a huge star kids, forget your Justin Biebers this guy was A list (well in my eyes anyway).
Was struggling to find something to watch couple of week ago, so was flicking through the channels and Minder was on ! Ended up watching that, still watchable today
My graddad told me about it once. He wasn't very impressed, players throwing flour over each other etc...
Denis Waterman (rip) lived up in Wooburn Moor