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I hear from my mate in Mexico that the government there may stop the WC for tax reasons. Do people in the US know it's coming, what's the feeling


  • I've seen a few articles about Mexico refusing to exempt FIFA from taxes there, but I am not sure if there was any resolution. I would expect it would get moved to the US and Canada only if they don't come to an agreement.

    So in summary:

    Tax threat: "We can take away your tournament!"
    Human Rights Abuses: "Play Ball!"

  • And we go live to the negotiating room:
    Mexico: Brown envelopes please , used 50s, lots of.
    FIFA: Me? With my reputation?

    Something tells me this won't be a problem. World Cup and Olympic body's ask for the earth. They want all the money but no local laws to apply to them for the duration, the locals want to push back a bit but are desperate not to lose out on their own opportunities, they'll haggle a bit , I'd be staggered if it changes, unless the US want a bigger cut.

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