Bury documentary
Good documentary about the demise of Bury FC and the rise of Bury AFC on iPlayer. Thank God we never got so far down the line we had to create a phoenix club, but a lesson in not letting sharks and chancers anywhere near football.
Thanks for sharing this. Watched it last night. It’s a good watch and, for me anyway, a reminder of what could have and might happen to our club under different circumstances. Puts the smaller bits around Woodlands and shirt arrivals into perspective.
FYI - my shirts haven’t arrived yet and I am one of the Woodlands members that has been affected so not suggesting anyone on here was unfounded in voicing their views on both topics!
For me it shows football is about supporters and with none in grounds its really not football at all.
Isn't football also about participation and community? Not every club exists to attract supporters.
Don't think I have that clear. Football clubs are the fans. They are the glue that holds everything together. Some come and some go but the collective stays for life. Companies attract customers. Football clubs don't attract fans.
Fully agree about the community comment though.
I was thinking about clubs formed for the primary purpose of recreation, and/or to give local people a social outlet. Lots of football league clubs with humble roots founded without a thought to potential spectators.
The Woodland Lounge issue attracted over 6500 views. It is that fundamental in the context of the management of change.
Thanks for that