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Happy Brexit Day! but still no completion in sight for our club.



  • @Proactive said:

    Who are “we” collective Marxist?

    In this case. It seems not to be the collective Marxist "we" but rather the pretty-much-everyone-but-you "we".

  • I REALLY liked Depeche Mode when I was at uni..

  • Keep the right wing crap for the suitable site's @Proactive...... morons who voted leave have done the damage so go and celebrate with them, this is a football forum and im sure you read between the lines rather liberal.

  • I hate to ruin the doom and gloom, but Rob Couhig on Twitter just now:

    "lawyers and accountants are virtually finished on purchase with completion any day now"

  • Are you sure that's not the email from 4 weeks ago?

  • @eric_plant said:
    Are you sure that's not the email from 4 weeks ago?


  • @bigred87 said:
    Keep the right wing crap for the suitable site's @Proactive...... morons who voted leave have done the damage so go and celebrate with them, this is a football forum and im sure you read between the lines rather liberal.

    @bigred87 said:
    Keep the right wing crap for the suitable site's @Proactive...... morons who voted leave have done the damage so go and celebrate with them, this is a football forum and im sure you read between the lines rather liberal.

  • @Proactive Maybe have a read around the forum, on topics other than the only two you’re interested in - the takeover and brexit - and take note of how civilised people converse. Not only will it help you fit in, regardless of your politics, but also you won’t come across as such a gargantuan fuckwit with your oh so hilarious use of emojis and Daily Mail quotes.

  • Ouch think I’ve hit a nerve. I’m entitled (however many topics 1. 2 or 3) to have my opinion. And your use of foul mouthed language just shows you up for what you are. A control freak only wanting points of view that you agree with.

  • @Proactive said:
    Ouch think I’ve hit a nerve. I’m entitled (however many topics 1. 2 or 3) to have my opinion. And your use of foul mouthed language just shows you up for what you are. A control freak only wanting points of view that you agree with.

    Seems a large amount of pit and kettle in this post but when you are addressing a forum admin he kind of has a right to make the points he has. I am not sure what you've added to any topic in the last 24 hours.

  • @Proactive said:
    I’m entitled

    You sure are.

  • @Proactive said:
    And your use of foul mouthed language just shows you up for what you are. A control freak only wanting points of view that you agree with.

    If you were able to comprehend of more things than the takeover and brexit, you’d have been able to understand my post when I said “regardless of politics”. There are plenty of people on here whose politics are the polar opposite to mine and yet they’re still decent human beings able to hold a decent conversation with others. You’re obviously not. So, friendly advice, try to act like a normal human being on here and we’ll get on fine. Continue being a two note drone and an uncivil prick, and I’ll just delete your account.

  • Snowflake.

  • Amazing how many people think being entitled to have an opinion = being entitled to not being criticised for having it

    See also: people who think being factually wrong about something = having a different opinion

  • @Proactive if you want a moan just go to the Facebook forum...

  • Sometimes a particular word just suits the situation appropriately. Sure MrPro can handle it.

    Remarkable restraint from our host control freak that this chap is not blocked, unless , as I've always suspected the good doctor is one or more of these trolls.

  • I’m taking back control.

  • @drcongo said:
    I’m taking back control.

    Get blocking done

  • @Jonny_King said:
    @Wendoverman A racist and a Marxist. I mean, I always had my suspicions of course, but now it’s confirmed.

    I am nothing if not flexible jonny

  • @StrongestTeam said:
    Sometimes a particular word just suits the situation appropriately. Sure MrPro can handle it.

    Remarkable restraint from our host control freak that this chap is not blocked, unless , as I've always suspected the good doctor is one or more of these trolls.

    Angry and abusive to people at times yes.
    But surely not pathetic enough to set up troll accounts!

  • At times? How dare you.

  • @drcongo said:
    At times? How dare you.

    Take it easy big fella ;)

  • @Proactive said:
    Why? Not Proud of your country ?

    I work with a wide variety of political opinion left and right Leave and Remain and without a doubt the Leave voters who drag it into every conversation however inappropriate ( having already bored their wife, girl friend and everyone they know to death ) to bait a reaction and then turn it into a question of national pride are right-wing. So yes I'm proud of my country and yes
    I think you are right-wing.

  • What pride is there in celebrating something for which the majority of evidence points towards being damaging, and was voted for on the back of a campaign of proven outright lies by an overwhelmingly unqualified and uninformed population? I don't celebrate failures no matter how much I love the badge that carries it out.

  • @Username said:
    What pride is there in celebrating something for which the majority of evidence points towards being damaging, and was voted for on the back of a campaign of proven outright lies by an overwhelmingly unqualified and uninformed population? I don't celebrate failures no matter how much I love the badge that carries it out.

    Oh dear it is all doom and gloom isn’t it.
    Is it maybe because you voted on the loosing side of the largest democratic vote in this country’s history and just can’t get over not having your own way. Bless.....

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