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A Team of Matts - for Micra

Bloomfield (C)


I only had to use the internet to find the subs. It's not a bad starting 11.


  • Cash ? It was Stuart, his son Matt was an academy player.
    You could of had Matt Hanlon.

  • Didn't we have a Mathew Barnes Wallace or something like that

  • Matthew Barnes-Homer.

  • @ChasHarps, I knew it didn't sound quite right in my head, but Matty Cash had a ring to it (not surprising).

    I thought I'd dreamed about Carmichael until I saw it confirmed, should have checked them all.

  • @mooneyman He always worked hard in training to perfect his control of the bouncing ball

  • You could add Matty Whichelow in as a sub if the extra ‘y’ isn’t against the rules.

  • We did have a player called Matt Emulsion but he failed to shine and was released (sorry ).

  • We used to have a Matt Warner didn't we? I think people expected great things from him but it never quite happened

  • @Mr67 said:
    We did have a player called Matt Emulsion but he failed to shine and was released (sorry ).

    No need to apologise. That did make me chortle. Not something I do that often.

  • Thanks @eric_plant. That’s amazing.
    Still trying to get the image of Pat Cash walking on people’s heads out of my mind.

  • Whoops ! Sorry @Twizz. Must have read Eric’s name in the tiny thread list.

  • Genuinely surprised myself that I could come up with those many names. Not quite a full team on my own due to the slight memory blip.

    It set me thinking of the poorest 11 that could be named, based on performances for us, whilst still playing them in their correct positions. Maybe a thread for next week.

  • Team of the Decade thread briefly morphed into Poorest Team yesterday @Twizz.

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