Uber / deliveroo style ticketing promotion to "invite" friends for a reward
After the vote there was quite a bit of talk about how to get more people through the gate, and with the high % take up on the app, if it could be done it's a pretty popular strategy in other industries.
Essentially how it works is you can send an invite to a friend which is also a money off their first purchase (say £10), if your friend uses that invite then you receive credit into your e-wallet, say £5, which you can use on anything at the ground.
Could be potential issues with a few people trying to cheat the system, but with most of the regular fan base already using the system and the accounts being linked to a phone number and season ticket, that isn't that easy.
Would definitely give a bigger incentive to people to get their mates along if you get a free pint.
I think that's exactly the kind of thing we should be doing.
The free pint thing is a good idea and was done for the Bolton game, although I forgot to claim my free pint!!
Would be interested to know how many of the regular fan base are already using this system. As a season ticket holder I've not had an occasion to need to use it so wonder if I'm unusual in this.
Like the theory of the idea.
The club put a tweet out a week or so ago saying:
Wanderers fans have been embracing the new @TicketCoUK platform, with up to 70% of match tickets now being purchased online for each game: https://t.co/6xbqlDud2j
I'm a season ticket holder, however, I have had the occasions to use the app for the odd ticket for Mrs Ewanhoosaami & also a few orders from the rebellion tent. Really excellent addition by the club.
I remember hearing from a pal who used to work at the club who now works for big ticketing companies. She said the one change she'd make to efficiency would be stopping any sales over the phone, as that's costly and slow.
Thought it was madness at the time, but it actually sounds genius, and spot on what we're trying to do.
In theory and on a spreadsheet its a great idea. But Wycombe has a large section of older support who probably wouldn't book online in advance under any circumstance.
Generally that's only going to be over 65s now, and an ever decreasing number. Yes they shouldn't be frozen out, but I think it's realistic to plan to not require a dedicated ticket phone line in the next couple of years.
I suppose it's the move from a couple of people spending all day on the phone taking orders, rather than them taking the occasional order from a non internet type.
They can be utilised elsewhere for most of their day.
This sort of thing is a goal for most organisations, self service tech first systems are quicker and can be cheaper and easier but it should mean you need less front facing staff not none and it should give those who need help a better service too as they won't be queuing alongside all the people who can do it themselves.
Makes it really easy to reach people with promotions too. Giving people free tickets in their account which they can " gift " for certain games etc.
Alan Cecil, Mr Couhig, have you seen this post?
On behalf of over the over 65s May I point out that we’re not all complete dinosaurs and we can manage to buy a ticket on a simple to use app!
Can we implement self-service at the kiosks?
I know I know, was only tongue in cheek
Are there any crisps?
I'm not over 65 but I hate phones and apps and the internet in general. If they bring in a crisp app I'm out.
I'm a little younger than you, but i'd never turn up at a game relying on my phone holding the ticket!
I'd always print it out as well.
trademark that quick @Chris
Too late …
Oh dear...