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Charlton (H) game postponed

The game against Charlton on the 23rd March has been postponed due to international call-ups. Shame as that'll likely affect attendance at what would have been another big crowd.


  • Oh bugger...midweek games are hard for me! I demand my season ticket money back!

  • As if anyone believes that.

    Why can't they just be honest about the date clash?

  • Forgive my ignorance @peterparrotface what is the date clash?

  • I'm puzzled about this too.

  • edited March 2019

    I presume our favourite animal endowed facial pal is on about...the Brexit march?!?!

    It would be exceptionally fortuitous that there just happens to be an international week, and that they can engineer 3 calls ups into the bargain.

  • Maybe Bayo has a tv deal to cover the final of the US college wrestling championships on 23 March.

  • @Malone Matt Bloomfield for one has been standing next to his phone for a call from a man called Gareth for a while now.

  • Too much of a coincidence for me and I suspect I'm not alone.

  • I doubt all police leave has been cancelled because the people of Beaconsfield are going to tell the Russian backed failed hedge fund manager and failed mp to go forth and multiply but you never know

  • Please put me out of my misery, someone, and tell me what this thread is all about.
    This innocent abroad thought it was just about Charlton expecting to have at least three international call-ups.

    The ironic stuff (I assume) is too obscure for my feeble mind.

  • Keep politics out of sport...I cannot make a Tuesday night.

  • @Malone no doubt engineered by Brussels to disrupt League One football...I assume Luton's game will also be cancelled as their patriotic crowd will be going to fight with coppers.

  • Personally it's sods law.

    I had something that could be a sat or a sun, and was relieved it was the sun to not miss the Charlton game. Now it's moved anyway!

  • @micra said:
    Please put me out of my misery, someone, and tell me what this thread is all about.
    This innocent abroad thought it was just about Charlton expecting to have at least three international call-ups.

    The ironic stuff (I assume) is too obscure for my feeble mind.

    Because if you grow up supporting Millwall you're taught that Charlton fans are the support of people who will attend, en masse, a model railway exhibition.

  • Aaah, thank you @floyd. That has lifted the mood slightly but the news that the Wycombe players spend a lot of time on top of one another (cf BFP report) and that several have contracted virus infections as a result has slightly startled me.

  • My much older (and therefore late) brother was a lifelong supporter of the Addicks. I vaguely remember sitting on his shoulders at the top of what seemed like an enormous grassy bank and watching a player wearing a roll-neck knitted jumper running out of what I later learned was called the penalty area and heading the ball. Inconsistently, I also vaguely recall that he was wearing a flat cap. That was Sam Bartram.

    Much more recently I was at Wembley when Charlton beat Sunderland (after Extra Time, I think) to return to the Premier League.

  • @micra said:

    Much more recently I was at Wembley when Charlton beat Sunderland (after Extra Time, I think) to return to the Premier League.

    Now THAT was an epic match!

  • I think it may have contributed to my brother’s demise! In truth, he carried on supporting them well into this century.

  • @ micra The penalties were 7-6. Your brother must have enjoyed 1946/7 . Two cup Finals , winning the second. The first one losing to Derby, included two goals by their full back Bert Turner but one was for Derby. Also the ball burst in both finals. Glorious days, from another ex Addick, now a well established Chairboy. For Sammy Bartram this was his 4th consecutive year at Wembley in a Cup Final.

  • To sit on my brother’s shoulders (if I really did and I’m starting to have doubts) I couldn’t have been more than five or six as he was no Charles Atlas. That would have put the date towards the end of the war. Were matches being played at that time?

    When did you stop following Charlton @wformation?

  • I first saw them play in 1943 and until Dec 2006 they were a team I supported. Being a Chairboy from the Mid 70's I had no problem returning to the Valley in Dec 2006 to support the Chairboys. The Addicks are still my second team

  • Our supporting history is pretty similar @wformation. We moved to Sands (ironically) in 1974 - a move prompted by promotion returning me to London after four years in Basingstoke. I had been watching the occasional game at Loakes Park in the late ‘sixties whilst living in tied accommodation in Denham but I’m not sure mrs micra realises even now just how big a factor my affinity with the Wanderers was in choosing Wycombe out of all the many London commuter towns we could have moved to.

  • Bringing this delightful thread back into the 21st Century...can season ticket holders who cannot make the rescheduled game demand some sort of recompense? A cash sum would suffice.

  • The club have already said any STH who can't make the rearranged date qualify for a free DVD of last night's match.

  • @MindlessDrugHoover what sort of fan owned club is this?

  • That’d be something to treasure @MindlessDrugHoover. Might be less traumatic than the Charlton match. It’s being so cheerful what keeps me going.

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