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Danny Senda

Following the recent appointment of Darren Currie as First Team Head Coach, Barnet have appointed Junior Lewis as Assistant Head Coach and Dan Senda as First Team Coach.
Lewis, who played in the top flight during his career, arrived last summer and now takes the step up to Assistant.
Senda has been working with Barnet’s Under-18s since the summer of 2017 and has been involved in the first team since Currie took the reins in December 2018.


  • Wasn't Junior Lewis a Peter Taylor follower?

  • Junior Lewis. Memory is hazy, did he play for us at all, or was he just in the backroom staff.

    A shout out for one of the worst players ever to play in the top flight?

  • edited February 2019

    Lewis was assistant to PT.

  • @Malone said:
    Junior Lewis. Memory is hazy, did he play for us at all, or was he just in the backroom staff.

    A shout out for one of the worst players ever to play in the top flight?

    I really don't understand why, but he is pictured wearing a Wycombe shirt on Wikipedia, despite never having been listed as ever playing for us?

  • edited February 2019

    Looks like some sort of friendly, or a meet the players day maybe?

    Wiki annoyingly only gives league stats for some reason too, though he may well not have played even a JPT type game.

    Reading that link, it's a reminder of the dreadful mate's club style of management Taylor provided. Probably second only to Waddock for liking an "Old boy"

  • The wiki profile picture isn't even taken at Adams Park, so it's probably just someone's old shirt he's wearing.

  • The Wikipedia photo of Junior Lewis is referenced as being taken at the Dover Athletic v Wycombe Wanderers pre-season friendly in July 2009, which was during the period when he was a member of the Wycombe coaching staff.

  • He played a few reserve team games for us, may have even featured in the Berks and Bucks, but he certainly never played for the first team and I don't think was registered as a player.

  • Surely one of the worst profile pics on wiki

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