Has anyone else looked at Lee Collins stats for this season? They make interesting, if slightly alarming, reading. I've never done this before but I shall attempt to provide a link.
You missed off the \ after the : You can blame Sir Tim Berners-Lee for this although he has recently apologised for including the unnecessary \ in URLs .
Aah, not "clickonable"! Sorry. Might be quicker for you to google him and look for the soccerbase stats.
thanks @micra and hopefully thats clickable
It is. Thanks a lot. (Probably not the time or place to tell me how to do it.)
You missed off the \ after the : You can blame Sir Tim Berners-Lee for this although he has recently apologised for including the unnecessary \ in URLs .
That's "\"
Oh who cares .......double back slashes
7 reds in 28 games doesn't bode well.
Depends who gets one!