Second of the New Year: Doncaster at Home - Match 27 - Saturday 12th Jan 2019 - Attendance Auguries
Studying the entrails of Christmas might help with predictions for the attendance at this next game.
Will there be turkey sandwiches?
Will we or will we not get sloshed?
Will the game be warmer than Gillingham?
Will Gareth give us a wave this time?
Which will be louder on the terrace - the drummer or the crisps?
How many of us will be there, stalwartly watching the Blues?
I go 4865, with 525 from Donny.
And the link to the spreadsheet:
4882 with 552 Doncaster Rovers fans
5000 with 555
5012 with 467 Donny fans
4568 with 386 preferring “Crazy Horses” to “Wycombe Strong”.
5,008 with 559 Donny.
5278 with 634 Rovers
4,895 including 511 away
4612, 430 away
4700 with 600 preferring Comanche Crew to the Osmonds.
The first ten predictions are now in and we are forecasting:
Average for Total Crowd: 4890
Average for Away 521
Calculated Average for Home crowd 4369
4871 (571 away)
4915 (538 Donny)
4986 with 555 Doncastrians.
4758 with 562 Donny fans please.
4698 with 557 away
As the official website won't let me buy any tickets online I can only assume the game has sold out and the attendance will be just over 10,000
North Koreans are barred!
Preseason tour of North Korea in August - We can safely assume sell outs everywhere we go as it will prove impossible to buy tickets on the official website. Oh, and take your own crisps.
The turkey drumsticks have been consulted after 15 predictions we say:
Average for Total Crowd: 4875
Average for Away 533
Average for Home crowd 4342
I'm going with a crowd prediction of 4420 with 420 supporting Doncaster
5122 with 480 hoping none of their players get injured before their next FA Cup game.
They’ll be shirking tackles so get Kashket on early.
4208 home and 497 away - so 4705 the lot.
4444 including 567 Donny boys and girls
4987 / 601
oops meant 4987
We now have 20 predictions and a Friday night synopsis, ready for the last minute rush of those who will smell the coffee on the Saturday morning and then forecast.
BBC weather has overcast, 9°, slight chance of rain. Ideal January watching football weather.
The early 20 say:
Average for Total Crowd: 4840
Average for Away 528
Average for Home crowd 4312
Later predictions have been slightly less optimistic about the size of the home and away crowds by about the same percentage - so I blame general brexit gloom.
Here's hoping we make some noise.
Up the Blues.
All predictions before 14:02 will count.
4444 with 543 from Doncaster (excluding 1 in the home end)
4400 Chairboys plus 550 from Doncaster
4501 including 580 from Doncaster.
4789 with 643 Donny