My story - the blog
Go on then, I know there are one or two on here who have been following ‘my story’ ….. well, keep calm and hold back the excitement, think of it as an early Christmas present - here is the next enthralling chapter of the blog that won’t go away! :
.... including a special guest appearance of a certain book!
Two years ago today was my cardiac rehab heart assessment, the day that targets were set and when I started my fitness regime. So, it’s seems appropriate to release my latest blog - ‘pushing the boundaries’ ….
If you enjoyed the blog I just know you will want to go here ....
It’s that time of year when I come around with my begging cap, I’m again raising money for HEARTS & SOULS who support the excellent cardiac rehabilitation right here in South Bucks.
This time I have set myself a personal challenge, to run my first ever 10K race picking one of the toughest and hilliest courses I could find just because that’s where I had my heart attack!
Heart & Souls have done this rather swish poster for me so I think I better use it ...

For anyone who had been following my HA rehabilitation adventures, I have recently published my latest blog: Part 4.8 - Bling, bling, bling, two 10K's and a 5K. (Phase IV - sustaining a healthy life-style) .....
3 YEARS ON …. the latest blog in my ‘Heart Attack to 10K’ series -