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Mark Burrell

I see he is stepping down from both boards in October


  • Oh dear that is sad. Another loss of expertise at a difficult time.

    I wonder if the recent outbreak of vitriol was the final straw. Sadly social media can have real life effects.

  • It does seem strange timing but he is quoted as saying he needs to dedicate his time to running his own business.

  • @DevC yep it's all our fault on the Gasroom. As I said, we should only use our power for good.

  • Mmmm. Interesting stuff and interesting timing

  • Seems a bit unlikely to be just coincidental timing, No idea wether he was upset with the response to the presentation or hacked off with some of the questions that have come from it. Wonder if some of the people on the trust view a takeover as a safe easy handover from themselves and a bit of a get out clause.

    Very important that good experienced people stand (not sure I'd class as either and live too far away myself) and it's important that we recognise his work and treat everyone with a bit of respect.

  • @DevC said:
    Oh dear that is sad. Another loss of expertise at a difficult time.

    I wonder if the recent outbreak of vitriol was the final straw. Sadly social media can have real life effects.

    "outbreak of vitriol"


  • I find Dev and @glasshalffull's monstering of "social media" rather endearing. Like television, radio, and the telegraph, it's the beginning of the end.

  • It was all the fault of that bloody man Caxton and his damnable printing machines. Gave the great unwashed ideas above their station and it all went to hell in a handcart.

  • I have no idea how many of we massively influential opinion formers there are registered on here, or how many of those actually regularly post on here but the fact we have induced such fear in a businessman and financial director with our mighty words, puns and comical asides that he has had to step down is quite sobering. @DevC is quite right to point out the dangers. I suggest we next direct our powers away from destroying careers in Football towards improving the burgers...come on everyone all together...improve the burgers. Improve the burgers. I'm off on me let me know how it goes.

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