Between Luke O'Nein and Yves Ma-Kalambay?
about 9 inches...
More to the point, what are the similarities?!
One plays with flair and the other plays with his hair.
Yves has played in the Olympic Games, Luke hasn't.
Yves has international caps for two countries Luke hasn’t been selected by Singapore yet.
What’s the difference between a dachshund and a market trader? The market trader bawls out his wares on the pavement.
Insider knowledge, Ned?
Yves has played more minutes this season? (Sorry Luke!)
14 points in Scrabble.
@Jonny_King O'Nien's no Przemysław Kazimierczak, that's for sure.
Actually, Johnny, Yves surname alone is 23 points. O'nien just 5. That's assuming no double or treble letter or word scores.
Basic scrabble knowledge.
Neither of their names are worth any points in Scrabble; they're both proper nouns.
Basic Scrabble knowledge.
I stand corrected Uncle.
Like Old McDonald I never was much good at scrabble. Mind you what's he supposed to do with E-I-E-I and O............
Ma Kalambay has played a full game?
Yves is an Aquarian and Luke is a Scorpion.
God I hope we sign someone on loan soon.
Most are better answers than the one I was thinking of..Yves is in the 2nd round of the League Cup.
(@Shev @Chris Luke played ninety minutes last night.)
about 9 inches...
More to the point, what are the similarities?!
One plays with flair and the other plays with his hair.
Yves has played in the Olympic Games, Luke hasn't.
Yves has international caps for two countries Luke hasn’t been selected by Singapore yet.
What’s the difference between a dachshund and a market trader?
The market trader bawls out his wares on the pavement.
Insider knowledge, Ned?
Yves has played more minutes this season? (Sorry Luke!)
14 points in Scrabble.
@Jonny_King O'Nien's no Przemysław Kazimierczak, that's for sure.
Actually, Johnny, Yves surname alone is 23 points. O'nien just 5. That's assuming no double or treble letter or word scores.
Basic scrabble knowledge.
Neither of their names are worth any points in Scrabble; they're both proper nouns.
Basic Scrabble knowledge.
I stand corrected Uncle.
Like Old McDonald I never was much good at scrabble. Mind you what's he supposed to do with E-I-E-I and O............
Ma Kalambay has played a full game?
Yves is an Aquarian and Luke is a Scorpion.
God I hope we sign someone on loan soon.
Most are better answers than the one I was thinking of..Yves is in the 2nd round of the League Cup.
(@Shev @Chris Luke played ninety minutes last night.)