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Season Tickets



  • @MindlessDrugHoover, the club have since come back to me and said that mine and a few hundred more are still at the club and can be collected tonight from the Caledonian Suite. Those uncollected will be posted out in the coming days.

  • Get collecting guys! Especially if you’ve been umming and aahing about going to this evening’s match. Save the club a hundred quid or two on postage and also swell the coffers by enjoying a shandy or two. Pint in one hand; eagerly awaited season ticket in the other. What could be better?

  • Am so non up to speed with friendlies, I actually hadn't twigged why the Caledonian would be open tonight for pick ups.

    Makes sense now!

  • I'm in Lanzarote, so begger all chance of popping in. Will have to Trust to fate.

  • Still not got mine; down to the club on Monday methinks

  • pick it up on the first day? Sounds like there'll be a designated window/hut

  • Got mine on Friday - no stamp on the envelope, so no idea how it got through. Still, that's an extra 50p in the transfer kitty.

  • Just back from holiday, still not arrived. I paid cash for mine and of May. Starting to get a furrowed brow!

  • @MindlessDrugHoover said:
    Got mine on Friday - no stamp on the envelope, so no idea how it got through. Still, that's an extra 50p in the transfer kitty.

    I expect GA delivered it by hand.

  • Mine did arrive last week (Thursday I believe) so they are coming.

  • I think they're doing it in order of fans' importance

    Got mine yonks ago

  • @micra said:

    @MindlessDrugHoover said:
    Got mine on Friday - no stamp on the envelope, so no idea how it got through. Still, that's an extra 50p in the transfer kitty.

    I expect GA delivered it by hand.

    More likely Richie!

  • I’d forgotten all about him; thanks for reminding me!

  • Picked mine up at the kit launch. Made me laugh as although the STs were alphabetical by surnames they weren't in alphabetical within each letter (if that makes sense). The look on the poor chaps face as he realised he would have to sort through each letter and then seeing the queue out the door was priceless!

  • Whatever became of “of”? We always used to go out of the door/house etc and look out of the window. Perhaps it’s too busy standing in for “have” as in “would of”.

  • @micra When the grammar war comes - and it will come - the Gasroom is where we shall make our last stand.

  • edited July 2018

    Verrily I beseech thee, Sire, language changes. Get over it.

    Where once we had Datsun, Cherie, now we have to make do with Nissan, Micra.....

  • edited July 2018

    Wonder what @micra would make of people in Derby when they relay the weather forecast to friends?

    ‘Apparently, they’ve give out for hot weather tomorrow’.

    Darren Bett sat at a kitchen table wrapping up little packets of weather to pop in the post...

  • Never mind Derby @arnos_grove ! A fellow geriatric, Wycombe born and bred, RGS educated, often says, for example, “he gave out that it’s going to rain at the weekend”. He’s not said that for some time of course.

    Mrs micra, from the Emerald Isle, says they say something similar over there (or at least they did back in the day).

    Language is fascinating and, as the gentleman from Devon points out in his rather quaint way, it is constantly changing. Generally speaking the reason for changes can be figured out even if they are not immediately apparent but some changes stem from words being misheard or confused with other words which are neither synonymous or grammatically correct. I chose one of these - the now sadly common use of “of” instead of “have” after “would” to make a weak quip about “out the door” which may well now be common usage but which, to my ear, sounds clumsy.

    I remember the Datsun (I even remember the Cherry) but I’m not sure the change to Nissan is strictly an example of linguistic evolution.

  • In Yorkshire it's often shortened to "they give rain".

    Noting that Darren Bett started his career on 'Look North' (as, irrelevantly, did the wonderful Sophie Raworth) he will be well drilled in the process of donating packets of condensed water droplets.

  • Och, Dinna take my post too seriously, Micra mon, just my idea of a little Juke.

    Well Primeraly anyway....

  • @micra said:
    I remember the Datsun (I even remember the Cherry) but I’m not sure the change to Nissan is strictly an example of linguistic evolution.

    That was my good lady wife' 1st car. Paid £80 for it, £20 for a spot of inner wing welding. Possibly the most reliable motor we've ever owned? As a point of note, the Cherry was superseded by the Sunny not the Micra, Mr @Micra! I really am a sad old git these days.

  • very happy to settle your dispute, (for a small fee of course).

    As I recall the Sunny was a little bigger than the Cherry/Micra (more the escort to their metro).

    Glad to be of assistance. Could you send fee to the usual place, Note no cheques, very much a Cash Guy.

  • I learned (should that be learnt?) to drive, and subsequently passed my driving test in a Datsun Cherry. Although I did then park it up somewhere south of Desborough Rd and never found it again. Fond memories of losing my Cherry.

  • @DevC The Micra has never been superceded, it has always been a Micra, merely evolved growing in size much like the Clio/Mini/Polo etc. The Sunny, as I understand, took over from the Cherry in the range just as I started working for a Nissan franchise. If I remember correctly the Bluebird took the place of the Stanza around the same time? I reiterate, I am a sad old git & that I don't need a memory to rely on.

  • Ewan, I know little of the history of Datsun/Nissan and am merely amusing myself (but probably no one else) making up puns about model names.

    Wiki suggests that the Micra superceded the Cherry and the Almera superceded the Sunny. Wiki is sometimes wrong though.

    I'll Leaf it here.

  • edited July 2018

    Do we need someone with a lot of available money to invest in the club a Qashqai

  • Superseded. Not to be confused with ASDA’s rather nice Superseeded bread. Predictably, my comment to a fellow shopper along the lines of wondering what had superseded it fell on stoney ground.

  • My dad had a Nissan Hut. Terrible Car, but handy for storing things.

  • My dad didn’t believe in credit cards or cheques to buy his Nissan he was only a Qashqai

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