From one chairboy to another...
To ball park here, I, an avid supporter of all things Chairboys related am running the London Marathon for Mind this April. A superb charity whose work helps raise awareness about mental illness and provides incredible support to those affected. In the sporting community, especially that of football, more professionals are starting to speak out about their own experiences of menta illness, Clarke Carlise and Billy Kee to name a couple. The club were unfortunately not able to help me in my efforts to fundraise, so I thought I would address the fans themselves. Please do reply if you would be willing to donate, even the smallest amount can go a long way. I shall post my fundraising link if there are any fans willing to donate. Thanks for your time and let's hope we can grab promotion eh?
I’d be willing - an area close to my heart.
Thank you very much, link posted above
Good on you mate!
Massive thank you to those of you that donated. Your support is massively appreicated!