Now that I've looked further down the page, I see that it's based on predicted results of future matches with each having a probability described for each possible result. I'd be interested to know how they arrived at those probabilities.
They predict three clean sheets for us in the next five matches, which straightaway makes me want to know more!
1-1s against Crawley and Cheltenham...and a 1-0 win over Coventry? Hmmm not so sure about those. But I'll take that table especially as richie's boys don't exactly 'walk it' as predicted by the all-knowing Hatter.
happened to Accrington last season didn't it, missed out on the last day and I very much doubt we will finish with an 8 point gap to the playoffs but if we do that would be incredible.
Interesting although it must be a curious algorithm which looks at probabilities and then appears to ignore them:
Chesterfield 1 1 Wycombe Wanderers 30.4% 23.1% 46.5%
Probability of draw - 23%
Prediction - draw.
Still, a bit of fun, nonetheless.
Interesting, but what are the predictions based on, apart from, I assume, current standings?
Now that I've looked further down the page, I see that it's based on predicted results of future matches with each having a probability described for each possible result. I'd be interested to know how they arrived at those probabilities.
They predict three clean sheets for us in the next five matches, which straightaway makes me want to know more!
I gave up when I looked through our first six games and saw that four of them had us keeping a clean sheet
Not many 3-2 wins either.
1-1s against Crawley and Cheltenham...and a 1-0 win over Coventry? Hmmm not so sure about those. But I'll take that table especially as richie's boys don't exactly 'walk it' as predicted by the all-knowing Hatter.
If we finish 8pts above county and Mansfield I will be astonished. Anyone can beat anyone in this league. Long may our run continue.
A comfortable 8 point auto promotion.
Yep, that's what we should be looking for!
if we can take 12 points from the next 4 games, that should see us open up a gap.
True. Having a six-point gap already is quite helpful in that regard.
we have a two point gap, we don't want to be in the playoffs looking at the teams who are likely to be in there.
Fair point
Yup the demoralizing effect of just missing out can dent play-off confidence.
happened to Accrington last season didn't it, missed out on the last day and I very much doubt we will finish with an 8 point gap to the playoffs but if we do that would be incredible.