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Match day thread: Carlisle



  • Major storm forecast for sat pm. 50mph winds in Swindon. Will game go ahead?

  • @arnos_grove said:
    trevor stares ruefully at his computer before sighing and shutting it down. Wwfc2015_ smashes up a clock and howls into a cushion before getting on with living his vastly superior lifestyle.

    What a massive bellend you are. Very very happy with performances and results over the last couple of months. Your still a prick though.

  • @Wwfc2015_ said:
    What a massive bellend you are. Very very happy with performances and results over the last couple of months. Your still a prick though.

    Haha! Good to know you’re still with us. I was getting worried.

  • Ref was terrible today. Nobody even appealed for the pen. We were lacklustre first half. Great spirit second.

  • Anyone present know if we came through injury-free?

  • Looked like it

  • Select Group 2 Referee aswell, was conned for the pen but should have sent off Saunders for his protests and other players booked for surrounding him.

  • Some real quality for all three of our goals on the highlights. Freeman's ball in for the second is superb, as is the way Bayo holds off two defenders. We're so lucky to have someone of JJ's quality to deliver that quality of corner in the 95th minute as well.

    And that's before we've even talked about Saunder's free kick!

  • Keeps the incredible unbeaten away run going, and what a boost by doing it in the fashion we did.

    Real feeling we're in a similar place to that glorious play off final season now

  • Looked like sido got fouled for there 3rd aswell

  • Man alive, the defending for their first is extraordinary

  • In the same way that deserts have an extraordinary amount of rainfall.

  • Agree with Eric that first goal the defending just wow. Also that has got to be one of the softest pens ive seen, almost looks like he feel over the ball. As others have already said was great to see the spirit of the team to come back twice to at least get a point.

  • More of a foul on Sido for their third than for their pen. No surprise to hear a poor ref is on some sort of select list, that always seems to be the way.

    Great job to fight back twice and to score 3 away from home, but is that how much difference Stewart makes at the back?!

  • First goal defending was spectacularly bad. How can you have no defence whatsoever at the back post.

    To be fair to the ref he was in a very good position but as always he only gets one look in real time. Surely we should have video technology for key decisions.

    Sido's defending was pretty appalling for both goal 2 and 3 as well.

    As was their defending for Bayo's goal. Neither defender even jumped giving Bayo an unchallenged nod-in.

  • @arnos_grove we're bound to lose one soon and then we will be boring rubbish that will never be watched ever again. I think Trev is still flying about with the Ghost of Christmas still to come...

  • It's worrying to me that Stewart has been rested twice recently when midweek games as come around. He's never struck me as a player that needs nursing through injury and I could just about follow the previous rest as he'd come back from a pre season injury. I wonder what is going on that one of our younger players is the one getting this treatment.

  • @Right_in_the_Middle said:
    It's worrying to me that Stewart has been rested twice recently when midweek games as come around. He's never struck me as a player that needs nursing through injury and I could just about follow the previous rest as he'd come back from a pre season injury. I wonder what is going on that one of our younger players is the one getting this treatment.

    Could the reason be that we agreed with Birmingham (perhaps informally) that he would be gusranteed a few starts. I see no problem in us rotating when we are playing twice a week. We collapsed last season mainly due to our small squad playing too many games and getting exhausted.

  • What sort of fan owned club is this when our first eleven are not run into the ground with league and cup games all because we have a decent bench? We want the old days with a campaign derailed by injuries. Gareth sort it out.

  • Shaun Miller has been charged by the FA for successfully deceiving a match official on Tuesday for the penalty.

  • @Wig_and_Pen said:
    Shaun Miller has been charged by the FA for successfully deceiving a match official on Tuesday for the penalty.

    This helps us in no way whatsoever! the goal should also retrospectively be disallowed. Instead he might get banned and not play against teams we are in the race with- giving them an advantage. whole thing stinks

  • All this retrospective punishment is all very well but it doesn't help the team who suffered due to the incident. This comes after the retrospective ban for the Luton player punching JJ.
    Also I wonder what happens to the referee who was 'successfully deceived'??

  • Only realistic options on this subject are
    a) live with it as part of the game
    b) introduce video technology
    I vote b).

  • It doesn't help us, but at least they do something about it.

    Adding that element should mean players are less likely to do it again, and thus not against us!

    One issue is that they'll only retrospectively look at "Game-changing" stuff. So a player may think they'll still dive, get a pen and a goal and that's worth a ban for that result.

    If they started retro looking at dives all in, I dare say some of our boys might have to tidy up a little.

  • Isn't the point that the more these bans are enforced the less it will happen, which is what we all want? (Unless we're Luton fans, I suppose)

  • If, as @DevC suggests, they are the only two options then I'd vote A any day of the week and twice at weekends. If a single shot camera were used on the night it would be almost impossible to go against the referees initial decision. As with many of Dev's black and white debates I actually think the situation is much more nuanced and more can be done.
    I actually quite like this charging after the event as it does bring the deed to the wider audience. If players are shamed for cheating it should reduce. I just don't see how it helps us on this occasion and no mention is made of the referee who should have seen what happened in the first place.

  • It's supposed to be a deterrent rather than compensating the team who has suffered.

  • He’s been “charged” but what is his punishment?

  • At the very least Sam Saunders's yellow card should be rescinded as his reaction is perfectly justified now!

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