And finally, for now, illiteracy
Is it just me that is somewhat bugged by the illiteracy on show in the first line of this article or should I show a steelier resolve - a more iron will, perhaps - and just accept the gradual decline of the language, even among people who are paid to use it?
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Decent sub-editors are like gold dust these days.
I was initially thrown by your reference to the first line @HCblue until I switched to landscape! My laptop is jiggered and I don't possess a tablet.
There is also an example in the fourth paragraph of what is becoming a common error. I refer to "...there was lessons to be learned....".
I can imagine GA saying "There's lessons to be learnt" but, yes, you expect better if its's not a direct quote. (Even if it were a quote, I might feel like "tidying" it up if I were writing the article!)
Who would dare to tidy up the great man's English!
@HCblue Actually I quite like it. I know it's wrong (I'd spotted the same error in a piece a few days ago, presumably the same writer) but it's one of those wrong things which has an element of accuracy notwithstanding.
True @Wig_and_Pen. I'm interested but too idle today to look up the meaning of "mettle ".
Whatever you do, don't look at the BFP website.
Was slightly put out to see our opponents named as LICOLN CITY in the introduction section in the programme on Saturday.