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WDH loaned to Shots

With Stewart injured, Only Muller and Adam El abb are natural Cb.
So either another defender coming in, or gonna use Sido.
I wonder is Rowe is to be loaned out before long ?


  • Stewart should be back soon. If his injury was more serious, then surely GA would not have agreed to WDH 's move. A one month loan will give him much needed games, as he is currently definitely not first choice ahead of SJ , DR, MM to partner El Abd.

  • Couldn't see him getting a game really. With El Abd, Stewart, Sido, Rowe and Muller ahead of him.

  • Not sure Rowe can be described as being ahead of WDH, particularly in the centre back role. He didn't exactly pull up any trees at Barrow last year.

  • Exactly, struggled to get a game for Barrow.
    The Horror show Rowe gave a couple of years ago against the cobblers, was possibly the last time he played cb for us.
    since then the very few starts he's made have been in midfield.

  • Probably right mooneyman.

  • Sensible for WDH and reassuring for the rest of us that Stewart can't be that badly hurt.

  • Rowe is a better player than WDH Im afraid.

  • What are you afraid of @rmjlondon ?

  • Makes sense to get WDH some games.
    If Muller has been as good as people have said, he's right down the pecking order.

    I wonder if Gaz knows deep down he won't become a regular here, so is trying to engineer him a decent way out permanently.

  • Now that Pierre has left the club GA has decided to move WDH out on loan.

    I think this will allow young players like NF , MM and DR to establish themselves as part of the first team squad .

    We are looking very strong and I am very optimistic that we will be challenging and gaining promotion this season.

    Come on you Blues!

  • Am I alone in disliking the growing tendency to refer to players by their initials only?. GA, fair enough,and JJ is such an established abbreviation that most of us know instantly that it is Joe whatsisname but I had to stop and think about DR. I'm still working on NF.
    FFS spell'm out.

  • Agree with you for once @micra. I think the initialising is only warranted for a small handful of players.
    I'd probably only go as far as JJ and WDH in fairness.

  • Got it! Nick Freeman. I was still thinking defenders- after all, that's what we were discussing.

  • I blame the guy we got on loan from Watford last year for the trend towards initials. I could never remember how to spell his name and couldn't be arsed to look it up so found it easier just to put his initials.

  • Jakubiak. Polish for "no headers".

  • PCH is a given surely?

  • @Malone said:
    Makes sense to get WDH some games.
    If Muller has been as good as people have said, he's right down the pecking order.

    I wonder if Gaz knows deep down he won't become a regular here, so is trying to engineer him a decent way out permanently.

    In a strange way I'd like to think that is true.

    Would be delighted if Will eventually worked his way into our first 11.

    But if w he can't I'd like to think Gareth would do his utmost to help him find a club at the right level.

  • @HCblue post of the day abbreviations

  • @Glenactico : hear hear. The abuse he got last season was totally unwarranted.

  • @JohnnyAllAlone apart from HC I presume

  • @Jonny_King said:
    PCH is a given surely?

    No question!

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